Windsor Star

Player union balks on MLB rule changes


NEW YORK The players’ associatio­n rejected Major League Baseball’s proposal to institute 20-second pitch clocks and limits on mound visits, a move that dares management to unilateral­ly impose the changes designed to increase pace of games.

Union head Tony Clark and deputy general counsel Matt Nussbaum informed MLB of the decision Thursday during a telephone call to deputy commission­er Dan Halem, a person familiar with the decision told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because no statements were authorized.

Management has the right to implement the rule changes it proposed last year. Under baseball’s labour contract, management can change on-field rules on its own with one season of advance notice.

MLB does not intend to make any decision before its next owners meetings Jan. 30 to Feb. 1 in Beverly Hills, Calif. Spring training games start Feb. 23 and the season opens March 29.

The union’s decision was first reported by Fox.

Nine-inning games averaged a record three hours five minutes during the 2017 regular season, 3:29 during the post-season and the length of games has concerned owners and executives in an age when they compete for consumers with more entertainm­ent choices and shorter attention spans.

Players and MLB have bargained over the matter since last summer and the union told MLB Thursday there was no consensus among its members for pace alteration­s. After a November owners meeting, commission­er Rob Manfred vowed change.

Under the proposal MLB can implement, there would be a 30-second clock between batters and a 20-second clock between pitches, according to details obtained by the AP. Under the proposed limit on mound visits, a team would be allowed one per pitcher each inning, whether by a manager, coach or player. A second would result in the team being forced to change pitchers.

 ??  ?? Rob Manfred
Rob Manfred

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