Windsor Star



Q What is it about you two, paired together, that has led to such great success?

Eric Radford I think one of the main things that definitely helped us climb the ranks in skating faster than normal is that we were really strong single skaters and we were able to do very difficult individual elements that other paired teams couldn’t do. Of course, after the Olympics, we added another difficult element, the throw-quad Salchow. I think that was kind of our trademark for a while, the technical aspect of skating. We have worked really hard to develop the other side, the artistic side. I think that’s something we’re coming into our own in now, a little bit later than some other teams. But I think that’s something that at the end of our careers we’ll also be remembered for.

Q How important is to you to leave Pyeongchan­g with a

medal in pairs?

Radford I think it’s more important that we leave Pyeongchan­g with a great performanc­e and that sense of accomplish­ment. We know that if we have that feeling when we leave, we’ll also have that medal in hand.

Q How long do you guys plan to keep skating ? Is this your last Olympics? Both Yes.

Q Sad to say goodbye?

Meagan Duhamel: I think that after the Olympics we’ll be completely satisfied. There’s so many things in my life that I’m looking forward to doing, I don’t think I’ll even have enough time to do everything I want to do. Skating has provided such an incredible experience for me. And we’re so lucky in the sport of skating that we’ll be able to skate and perform in shows. Not every sport and every athlete has that ability.

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