Windsor Star

Bernier won’t meet Grit MP after Twitter feud

- Mia Rabson

OTTAWA • Conservati­ve MP Maxime Bernier is rejecting a meeting request from Liberal counterpar­t Celina Caesar-Chavannes after the pair exchanged barbs on Twitter over issues of race and identity politics. Caesar-Chavannes apologized to Bernier on Twitter on Tuesday after telling him in a tweet three days ago to “check your privilege and be quiet” in a heated discussion about funding for minority communitie­s in the budget and whether it is racist to say you want to be colour-blind. “I am not too big to admit when I am wrong,” she wrote. “Limiting discussion on this important issue by telling you to be quiet was not cool. If you are willing, let’s chat when back in Ottawa. We are miles apart on this important issue and it is possible to come a little closer.” Bernier did not seem open to the idea. “Thank you for recognizin­g my right to air an opinion,” he wrote back on Twitter. “I don’t think we can find much common ground beyond that however. You and (Minister Ahmed) Hussen implied I’m a racist because I want to live in a society where everyone is treated equally and not defined by their race.”

Bernier also said everything possible should be done to give everyone equal opportunit­y, but said defining people based on race, gender and sexual identity and granting different rights and privileges to people based on that “only creates more division and injustice and will balkanize our society.”

“I say it’s time we Conservati­ves stop being afraid to defend our vision of a just society made up of free and equal individual­s and push back against those who want to silence any opinion that differs from theirs,” Bernier said. Bernier is out of the country and his office says he could not be reached for an interview. Caesar-Chavannes was unable to do an interview but provided a statement to The Canadian Press. “I believe that it is important for Canadians to debate and express their views,” she said. “Encouragin­g a fellow parliament­arian to keep silent is not consistent with this principle.”

It started after Immigratio­n Minister Ahmed Hussen tweeted Feb. 28 that the federal budget was historic for “racialized Canadians.” Bernier responded by saying “racialized” was “awful jargon” and accused the Liberals of using it to create division. Hussen responded by saying the budget was about equality for all Canadians and that the idea of not seeing colour may sound great in theory but doesn’t address the realities of racism.

 ??  ?? Celina Caesar-Chavannes
Celina Caesar-Chavannes

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