Windsor Star

Sole Focus Project raises $500,000 for mental health well ahead of deadline


The local branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n has raised all of its three-year $500,000 fundraisin­g goal for mental health awareness in just one year. “We heard loudly and clearly from the community that they wanted to see Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n-Windsor-Essex County Branch in the community more,” said CEO Claudia den Boer in a news release.

The fundraisin­g success was officially announced Thursday evening at an event at Spago Trattoria and Pizzeria on Cabana Road. The Sole Focus Project launched in February 2017 to raise awareness about mental health and funds to support mental-health awareness, education and training, areas not fully funded by the government. “The resounding support that we have received from our Sole Focus Project strategic partners, donors, ambassador­s and the general public has been overwhelmi­ng and demonstrat­es unequivoca­lly that mental health is breaking the stigma barrier,” said den Boer. “CMHA-WECB is proud to be a lead provider of mental-health services, and to be able to expand these services to the WindsorEss­ex community because of the success of the Sole Focus Project.” The moneys raised will start an endowment fund to provide sustainabi­lity to the mental-health education and training initiative­s. Among the largest donors were the Solcz family.

“The Solcz Family Foundation is proud to support the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n and the Sole Focus Project,” said Kyrsten Solcz. “The Solcz Family Foundation was establishe­d with a mandate to support projects and programs in social services for children and youth in the Windsor-Essex Community. Supporting the Sole Focus Project was an easy decision for the foundation, as a major piece of improving the welfare of children and youth in our community encompasse­s mental wellness education, awareness, and training — which is at the forefront of the Sole Focus Project.” Despite reaching its goal in just one year, the CMHA will continue raising money with goals of $500,000 for both 2018 and 2019. Additional money will be set aside to support the bereavemen­t program, which includes supportive grief counsellin­g to children and adults who have lost a loved one. On average, 2,300 people annually seek treatment or other services from the local CMHA. The Sole Focus Project aims to help local residents feel safe about seeking help, and to ensure they receive adequate care when they do. Local partners include the Windsor Police Service, Unifor Local 444, the Windsor Star and the Windsor Spitfires.

The campaign included members of various partner organizati­ons in promotiona­l materials that focused on the soles of their shoes with the slogan “Show Your Sole” and there was also a #ShowYourSo­le social media campaign. According to the CMHA, this is about saving lives — 11 people commit suicide every day in Canada, and another 210 attempt it.

 ??  ?? Claudia den Boer
Claudia den Boer

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