Windsor Star



- Douglas Quan

Sitting in his lawyer’s office in Vancouver Thursday, Jaspal Atwal renounced his Sikh extremist past and tried to cast himself as a reformed man trying to address the needs of the Indo-Canadian community by hobnobbing with politician­s of all stripes. Never, he insisted, did he expect his recent appearance at a reception in Mumbai, India, where he was photograph­ed next to Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, would cause such an uproar.

“I was completely shocked and devastated,” he said, reading from a prepared statement.

“I am sorry for any embarrassm­ent this matter has caused.”

After that photograph with Gregoire Trudeau was widely circulated, Atwal, who was convicted in the 1980s of attempting to assassinat­e a visiting Punjab cabinet minister in B.C., was promptly disinvited to a dinner at the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi featuring Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — one episode in a gaffe-filled trip that raised questions about why Atwal’s name wasn’t flagged sooner.

Trudeau later told reporters Atwal “never should have received an invitation” to attend the reception. And Randeep Sarai, Liberal MP for Surrey Centre, also acknowledg­ed he should have “exercised better judgment” when he initially passed along Atwal’s name for considerat­ion to be on the guest list.

At one point, the scandal took a conspirato­rial turn when a senior federal government source floated a theory to reporters that Indian government officials might have attempted to sabotage the trip by orchestrat­ing Atwal’s appearance — claims the Indian government flatly denied. Asked about that theory on Thursday, Atwal’s lawyer, Rishi Gill, said his client was never approached by Indian officials to act as an agent and the only interactio­n Atwal has had with Indian diplomats is to arrange interviews with them for a Surrey-based internet radio station.

“If anybody has a specific accusation that they can point to, I’d like to hear it,” Gill said. Conservati­ve Leader Andrew Scheer said in a Facebook post Thursday that the theory Atwal was a plant has been thoroughly refuted and “Justin Trudeau is failing to be honest with Canadians about the Atwal affair.” Atwal, 62, who did not make any remarks beyond his prepared statement, told reporters that before he left for India earlier this winter, he reached out to Sarai “to see whether there was any possibilit­y of attending the reception for the prime minister ... I was eventually provided an invitation by the Canadian Ambassador.” “(Atwal) reached out to Mr. Sarai very casually and said, ‘If there’s a possibilit­y of me going I would like to go.’ That was the end of it,” Gill added. “It was no more controvers­ial than that.”

Gill said his client was never approached by Canadian security officials for any sort of vetting before his arrival to the event. Court records show Atwal received a 20-year prison sentence in 1987 after a jury found him and three others guilty of the attempted murder of Malkiat Singh Sidhu, a Punjab cabinet minister. Sidhu and his wife were in B.C. to attend a relative’s wedding.

On May 25, 1986, Atwal and his cohorts had cut in front of a vehicle that Sidhu was travelling in and fired several shots. Sidhu was struck by two bullets. “They tracked and (stalked) Mr. Sidhu as a hunter would (stalk) his quarry,” the judge said at their sentencing. “It was a cowardly and heinous attack on a man they did not personally know, not for personal gain, but as a result of some belief or impression that by so doing they were advancing a political cause deemed important to these four individual­s.”

Atwal said Thursday, “like many other Sikhs, (I) became caught up in a movement supporting an independen­t Sikh nation.”

“While nothing can excuse my conduct, I can only say that during that time in the early 1980s, I reacted to the Indian Army storming the Golden Temple in Amritsar in a way that has caused much pain to many individual­s.”

Atwal said he had “nothing but regret and remorse” for what the judge deemed an “act of terror.”

“I again renounce any form of terrorism. I do not advocate in any sense for an independen­t Sikh nation. I, like the vast majority of Sikhs who once advocated for this cause, have reconciled with the nation of India.”

Gill released a copy of Atwal’s 1993 parole report, which stated that he had shown “exemplary” behaviour and that Atwal acknowledg­ed what he had done was “totally unacceptab­le” and constitute­d an act of “political terrorism.”

Gill also released copies of his client’s passport pages, which show India granted Atwal three travel visas in 2017 — lasting one month, three months and one year. “The one country that was directly affected by the (assassinat­ion attempt) that occurred was India … India has let him back in the country to visit,” Gill said.

Gill characteri­zed Atwal’s relationsh­ip with Trudeau as friendly and Atwal said he has interacted and been photograph­ed with politician­s from the NDP, Liberals and Conservati­ves as part of his efforts to connect those politician­s with the Indo-Canadian community. Gill released images of three House of Commons passes Atwal received in 2013 and 2014.

Gill said his client recognizes how his appearance in India had caused “discomfort” but dismissed any suggestion that Atwal should hold back from engaging public officials.

“He’d like to stay involved with his community in politics as best he can.”


 ?? BEN NELMS FOR NATIONAL POST ?? Jaspal Atwal, right, read a prepared statement with lawyer Rishi Gill by his side in Vancouver Thursday.
BEN NELMS FOR NATIONAL POST Jaspal Atwal, right, read a prepared statement with lawyer Rishi Gill by his side in Vancouver Thursday.

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