Windsor Star

Think green during March break

Think green during your March break, write Craig and Marc Kielburger.

- Craig and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day. For more dispatches from WE, check out WE Stories at

Congratula­tions, Canada; you’ve survived another February. Your reward: March break.

Many families will escape winter this month, loading minivans to tour the big city or heading somewhere warm. During your week of driving, fast food and disposable hotel amenities, consider your eco-impact. Leaving home doesn’t have to leave a big footprint.

Thinking green isn’t always easy when the kids are squabbling in the back seat.

But it can also save you time and money, which justifies a little extra planning.

As seasoned voyagers (we’re on the road a lot for work), let us be your travel agents for a trip that also gives the planet a break.

So you’ve selected your destinatio­n. How are you getting there? If it’s not too far, take a train. Riding the train from Toronto to Montreal, for instance, generates half the emissions of a car trip.

If you’re hitting the skies, try to fly non-stop. One-quarter of a plane’s greenhouse emissions happen during takeoff and landing. Splurging on a nonstop flight is worth it if it buys you more beach time (and also reduces pollution).

And if you hate the red eye, you’ll love this: daytime flights have less climate impact than overnighte­rs, according to the David Suzuki Foundation. Next up, your hotel checklist: room with a view, close to attraction­s — and sustainabl­e. Websites such as and greenkeygl­ can help find the best hotels for energy efficiency or recycling efforts. Or skip the hotel and use a homesharin­g app, which gives you greater control over energy use (and temperatur­e control). With a full kitchen you can cook your own food to reduce waste and save money.

Time to get packing. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” Lighter luggage will save muscle aches and airplane fuel. Every kilo counts. American Airlines saved US$1 million a year in fuel just by replacing heavy paper flight manuals with iPads. Fewer items of clothing means less time deciding what to wear — and fewer loads of laundry when you’re home.

Time to leave — got your tickets? Don’t hit print! Many airlines, hotels and feature attraction­s offer e-tickets. If your smartphone is also your boarding pass, you’ll save paper and won’t spend 15 minutes trying to remember which bag you put the tickets in.

“This is your captain speaking, we’ve reached cruising altitude and the cabin crew are bringing out the snack carts.” Let it pass. With all those peanut packages and disposable cups, the average passenger generates one kilogram of garbage. Bring your own snacks — without disposable wrappers — healthier for you and the environmen­t.

You’ve finally arrived. Where to first? Wherever you’re going, use public transporta­tion instead of a cab. Better yet, walk or rent a bike — it’s cheaper, great exercise, and you can take in the sights and culture at a leisurely pace.

Before you head home, grab some souvenirs for the folks back home. Or not. Does Grandma really need a tacky snow globe? Instead, get together afterwards to show her pictures. She’ll appreciate the company much more than another plastic knickknack.

Wherever you’re headed, we wish you safe and sustainabl­e travels. Bon voyage!

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Leaving home for a March break vacation with the young ones doesn’t have to leave a big environmen­tal footprint.
GETTY IMAGES Leaving home for a March break vacation with the young ones doesn’t have to leave a big environmen­tal footprint.

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