Windsor Star



Serves: 12-15

4-5 lb (1.8-2.3 kg) slab of bacon, either smoked or unsmoked with the rind on and a nice covering of fat

Boiled potatoes (optional), to serve

For the buttered cabbage:

1 lb (454 g) Savoy cabbage

2-3 tbsp (30-45 mL) butter

White pepper

For the parsley sauce:

Bouquet garni (see note)

A few slices of carrot (optional)

A few slices of onion (optional)

2 1/2 cups (625 mL) full-fat cold milk

1/4 cup (60 mL) roux (recipe follows)

1/2-3/4 cup (125-180 mL) freshly chopped curly parsley

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Put the bacon in a large saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring slowly to a boil. If the bacon is very salty, there will be a white froth on top of the water, in which case it is preferable to discard the water and start again. It may be necessary to change the water several times depending on how salty the bacon is. Finally, cover with hot water and simmer until almost cooked, allowing 20 minutes for every pound (454 g). 2. Meanwhile, remove the outer leaves from the cabbage. Cut the cabbage into quarters, discarding the centre core. Cut each quarter into thin strips across the grain. About 30 minutes before the bacon is cooked, add the cabbage. Continue to cook until the cabbage is soft and tender and the bacon is fully cooked through. Transfer the bacon to a hot plate and strain the water off the cabbage. Remove the rind from the bacon. Return the cabbage to the saucepan with the butter; season with white pepper.

3. For the parsley sauce: Put the herbs ( bouquet garni), vegetables (if using) and milk into a saucepan, and bring to simmering point. Season and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes. Strain out the herbs and vegetables, return the milk to a boil, and whisk in the roux until the sauce is a light coating consistenc­y. Season with salt and pepper. Add the chopped parsley and simmer over very low heat for 3 to 4 minutes.

4. Serve the cabbage with the bacon and, traditiona­lly, boiled potatoes and lots of parsley sauce.

Note: To make a bouquet garni, tie together a sprig of flat leaf parsley, fresh thyme and a bay leaf with unwaxed kitchen string.

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