Windsor Star


Actress Michelle Williams is the best part of I Feel Pretty


It’s incredibly difficult to remain dry-eyed while watching Michelle Williams act.

The four-time Oscar nominee most often appears in tearjerker­s and practicall­y demands empathy, best captured by her nominated performanc­e as a grief-stricken mother in Manchester by the Sea. Randi (Williams) runs into ex-husband Lee (Casey Affleck) years after a bitter divorce brought on by the death of their three children. She sobs, mourning their shared loss and pleading with him to mend their relationsh­ip. Williams lost the Oscar to Fences actress Viola Davis — a more-than-worthy opponent — but my goodness, Randi’s pain radiates.

So what a surprise it was to discover that Williams plays a prominent role in the new Amy Schumer vehicle I Feel Pretty. Perhaps less surprising, she’s the best part of the film. Williams outshines her co-stars as timid cosmetics company chief executive Avery LeClaire, proof that she steals almost every movie she’s in — even a comedy. Schumer plays Renee Bennett, a woman with low self-esteem who bumps her head at spin class and suddenly sees herself as the most beautiful person she knows. She works for cosmetics company Lily LeClaire and, after changing positions, moves from a dingy basement office to the glamorous Fifth Avenue headquarte­rs. She gawks at the elegant chief executive who seemingly represents the fashion industry’s elitism. Then, Avery opens her mouth. Williams revives the breathines­s of her My Week with Marilyn voice here, taking its pitch up a few notches. Her wavering speech — something of a cross between a sick baby and an elderly woman — is the opposite of what Avery appears to be. The babyish quality might match her pastel, puppy-printed clothing, but it doesn’t reflect Avery’s credential­s as a Wharton graduate and former clerk for a U.S. Supreme Court justice. The vocal fry gets you every time.

But, as with Renee, what makes the audience laugh also proves to be what concerns the character most. Avery cowers in fear of her tough grandmothe­r Lily LeClaire (Lauren Hutton), which, coupled with insecuriti­es about her voice, cripples her ability to do her job. Williams’ made-up face purposeful­ly relays little, leaving her squeak and well-timed one-liners to do the heavy lifting. In one scene, she memorably pronounces the name of the department store Kohl’s, “KO -holes.” Avery is a departure for the actress, who, after her breakout role in Dawson’s Creek, built a career on playing distressed women. Before Randi, Williams played parts such as the troubled (heartbroke­n) wife Alma in Brokeback Mountain and the troubled (destructiv­e) wife Dolores in Shutter Island. Though a supporting character in both films, Williams captivates viewers during her scenes. By the time news of My Week with Marilyn rolled round in 2010, it made perfect sense that Williams would play the tragic figure.

I Feel Pretty hasn’t fared well with critics, many of whom have taken issue with the script’s convoluted message about beauty standards. But most have found reason to praise Williams, who elevates the rather two-dimensiona­l figure with a clever performanc­e. The New York Times called Avery’s voice “delectably funny,” and Vox referred to the character as the film’s “one bright, shining beacon of hope.” Variety deemed this “the funniest performanc­e” of Williams’ career.

Avery is a ridiculous character — more so a complement to Renee’s silliness than a foil — and her grating voice is certainly unpleasant. But even when she bemoans, “I sound like a freaking moron,” you somehow can’t help but want to hear more.

 ?? EONE ?? Michelle Williams’ performanc­e as an executive with a grating voice in I Feel Pretty proves her versatilit­y.
EONE Michelle Williams’ performanc­e as an executive with a grating voice in I Feel Pretty proves her versatilit­y.

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