Windsor Star

Johnson quits as May deals with Brexit crisis


Davis’s resignatio­n was seen as dignified and principled: as a supporter of a “hard Brexit,” meaning one in which Britain retained a maximum of sovereignt­y, if necessary at the expense of having no formal trade agreement with the EU, he could not be the public face of a position he regarded as unacceptab­ly soft-boiled. Johnson’s resignatio­n was, well, Boris: entertaini­ng (he had just invited his European counterpar­ts to a meeting to discuss the security situation in the Balkans, only to stand them all up), unprincipl­ed (he had initially signalled he would acquiesce in the decision of cabinet, only to change his mind) and utterly opportunis­tic. May is likely to survive, but her leadership is undoubtedl­y weakened, and her negotiatin­g position weaker still. How, asked Corbyn, again with unaccustom­ed acuity, could May hope to reach agreement with the 27 other EU government­s, “when she can’t even broker a deal in her own cabinet?”

But of course she can’t. The Chequers agreement may have been an unsatisfac­tory attempt to bridge the divide between the “hard” and “soft” Brexit positions. But the broader rift is between the Brexiters and reality.

In the referendum campaign, voters were told it would all be very simple. Britain would demand the rest of Europe agree to a very different arrangemen­t than the one in place, in which the U.K. would be relieved of substantia­lly all of the disadvanta­ges of union, notably the loss of sovereignt­y, so irksome to the Euroskepti­cs, while retaining all of its advantages. And Europe would agree.

But Europe needs Britain a great deal less than Britain needs Europe. Unless the U.K. were prepared to simply go it alone, with no rules governing trade between itself and the continent other than those that ordinarily apply between member states in the World Trade Organizati­on, it would be very much in the position of a supplicant. That was always apparent — but the government’s evident unprepared­ness for such a “no deal” scenario only accentuate­s the weakness of its bargaining position.

As for Europe, even if it were otherwise disposed to look favourably on Britain’s applicatio­n, it can hardly be seen to make life easy for would-be breakaway states, lest it soon have a Frexit, Spexit and Itexit on its hands. To be sure, it would also have an interest in preserving some measure of free trade between itself and a post-Brexit UK.

It might be something similar to what it has agreed upon with Norway which, in return for broad access to the EU market, is required to pay into the EU budget and accept EU rules, notably with regard to the free movement of goods, services, capital and, crucially, labour: the major sticking point for Brexiters. In other words, much the same obligation­s as EU members must accept, but without any of the same say in how these are determined.

Or, the EU might be amenable to a more convention­al free trade agreement, such as it has negotiated with Canada: with less implicatio­ns for sovereignt­y, but without the same degree of economic integratio­n. The one thing it has made clear is that it is not interested in the kind of asymmetric fantasy peddled by the Brexiters. The Chequers agreement is the May government’s first open acknowledg­ment of the reality of its position. Characteri­stically, it fudges on several points. Would it remain a customs union, that is a common external trade policy, with the EU? Yes, but no: it would somehow still be free to strike trade deals with other partners. It would agree to EU rules on trade in goods, but not in services, meaning financial services. Similarly uncomforta­ble straddles are visible on the European Court of Justice, and even immigratio­n. The hard-line Brexiters have every right to be dismayed. And, as Davis himself pointed out, this is only Britain’s opening position: how much of it will be left after EU negotiator­s are through with it is an open question.

Well, yes. That is the reality of Britain’s position: the reality the Brexiters have avoided until now. They are right to see where this is going. But they have no more ability than May to rescue the country from the fate to which they have consigned it: certainly they have proposed no better plan.

At this point a humiliatin­g Norway-style climbdown looks the best-case scenario.

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