Windsor Star

NAFTA talks may be delayed because of crowded agendas

Time running out to meet Canada’s vow to make ‘real push over the summer’


Hopes for quickly resuming NAFTA talks following Mexico’s election earlier this month may prove unrealisti­c due to scheduling conflicts for the top negotiator­s, according to three people familiar with the negotiatio­ns. U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer is set to go on vacation through July 22, according to the people, who asked not to be identified, while Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland is in Europe this week. When Lighthizer returns, Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo will be busy at a Latin American trade summit.

NAFTA talks reached an impasse in May after Lighthizer said Mexico’s pledges of flexibilit­y over automotive wages and content weren’t enough.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau then said that a planned meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump to potentiall­y seal a NAFTA deal collapsed after the U.S. insisted the meeting was conditiona­l on adding an automatic terminatio­n clause. Time is now running out to meet Freeland’s promise that negotiator­s would “make a real push over the summer,” though they could still meet in August when talks celebrate their first anniversar­y. “Canada remains ready to meet at anytime, anywhere,” said Adam Austen, a spokesman for Freeland. “We have been actively engaged in talks, particular­ly over the past few months and we fully expect that engagement to continue.” Lighthizer’s press office didn’t immediatel­y respond to a request for comment, and Guajardo’s declined to comment.

The lack of a meeting between the main NAFTA negotiator­s doesn’t mean that all contact has stopped. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Trump adviser Jared Kushner are scheduled to visit Mexico on Friday and meet with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, President Enrique Pena Nieto and President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. That meeting is intended more as a first conversati­on between U.S. officials and the incoming president than a chance to reach a NAFTA breakthrou­gh, though Lopez Obrador told reporters on Tuesday that NAFTA will be discussed and that he wants the trade accord to continue.

Some analysts thought that once the Mexican election took place on July 1, negotiator­s would immediatel­y get back to work.

But current Mexican President Pena Nieto and Lopez Obrador made it clear last week that they will wait for Mexico’s electoral court to validate the vote, which could be as late as Sept. 6, before beginning the official transition. That includes the incorporat­ion of two of Lopez Obrador’s advisers into the process, according to a person familiar with the talks. Jesus Seade, named by Lopez Obrador as his chief NAFTA negotiator, said in an interview on June 26 that he sees a deal as possible between now and U.S. mid-term elections in November, and that the incoming president’s team fundamenta­lly agrees with the nation’s current negotiatin­g positions. Lopez Obrador is scheduled to attend the Latin American summit in Puerto Vallarta at the invitation of Pena Nieto on July 23 and 24. Other leaders from the continent, including Brazil’s Michel Temer and Colombia’s Juan Manuel Santos, are also expected to attend. The summit is focused on bridging the gaps between the region’s historical­ly more protection­ist Atlantic economies, known as Mercosur, and the more open economies of the Pacific — Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile — known as the Pacific Alliance.

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