Windsor Star

How difficult is it to acquire A gun?

- Adrian humphreys

Sunday’s mass shooting on Toronto’s Danforth Avenue was just hours behind Toronto’s Mayor John Tory when he voiced a question sounding more heartfelt than calculated: “Why does anyone in this city need a gun at all?” Whether that signalled a call for greater gun control or a possible municipal ban or just a frustrated man looking for answers, his question renewed debate of whether ridding Toronto of private guns would help, and whether it was even possible. In the wake of Tory’s question, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said the federal government is prepared to consider tightening handgun laws; Bill Blair, minister for reducing organized crime, said “every avenue” should be looked at to “focus on those guns that are getting into the hands of criminals.”

Could crime guns really be kept out of Toronto?

The stumbling blocks are many, perhaps first among them the truism that outlaws don’t follow the laws of the land, meaning a ban would only be as effective as the ability to enforce it. And how easy is it to get a crime gun in Toronto?

It can be as easy as sending a text message. When convicted killer Dellen Millard wanted a black market gun, he simply asked his drug-dealing buddy who put him in touch with another friend. Millard brokered a deal through text messages and then drove to the dealer’s Toronto apartment to pick up a Walther PPK pistol, a gun made famous by James Bond, for $2,200.

“Is it clean or dirty?” Millard asked by text. “Clean,” the street dealer replied. “Bring her back safe plz.”

“By the time I let her go,” Millard replied, “she’ll be a dirty girl.”

The gun was used in 2013 to kill Hamilton father Tim Bosma, court heard.

The PPK was likely smuggled across the border, but another of Millard’s guns came from a more shocking source.

When a former police officer in the Toronto area was ailing and suffering from Alzheimer’s, his spouse grew worried about his cache of legally acquired guns inside his home. Instead of turning them in, she put the pistols and rifles in a garbage bag and sold them to a friend of her son’s for a few hundred dollars.

After being sold and resold, one of those guns, a Smith & Wesson revolver, was found by Toronto police. Prosecutor­s believe the gun was likely used by Millard to kill Laura Babcock. These cases highlight two primary ways guns get into the wrong hands in Toronto: diverted from the legal market and smuggled in from the United States. Faisal Hussain, the Danforth shooter who killed two and injured 13, got his handgun illegally, the National Post has learned, although it is not known from where. His family said he had suffered years of mental illness. Diverted firearms as a source of crime guns is surging, according to Det. Rob Di Danieli of Toronto Police’s guns and gangs unit. He cited a case of a man legally buying guns and reselling them illegally, earning $100,000 from 47 guns. The trouble with the statistics, however, is that many crime guns have not been successful­ly traced.

The RCMP’s National Weapons Enforcemen­t Support Teams traces seized guns and, according to its report for the western region in 2014, only 29 per cent of crime guns were successful­ly traced. It leaves significan­t gaps in the data.

Guns are not particular­ly difficult to get legally, either. A would-be owner must attend a safety course and pass a test and then apply for a Possession and Acquisitio­n Licence, known as a PAL. Before a PAL is issued, there are background checks, based on a five-year window. In 2016, there were 2,076,840 active PALs in Canada. That year, 406,592 PALs were issued; 771 were refused — 139 of them over mental health concern. Another 2,223 were revoked that year, 424 for mental health.

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