Windsor Star


First woman to hold post


Elizabeth Kishkon, Windsor’s first and only female mayor who died Wednesday at age 87, will be remembered as a caring person who helped make Windsor shine. After a few years of declining health, she passed away peacefully Wednesday afternoon at her home in Huron Lodge — but not before making her mark.

“We’re all so proud of her and everything she accomplish­ed,” her eldest child Jan Kishkon said. “Yet she was self-taught. She devoured books and newspapers and magazines. She was a smart lady.” She was even awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Windsor in 1986.

Jan said her mother inspired people because of how much she achieved, despite suffering tragedy. She had five children, though baby John died of sudden infant death syndrome at three months in 1958 and her second-oldest daughter, Lynne, committed suicide in 1977 at age 21. “I don’t know how she lived through it,” Jan said. “And yet she went on to accomplish so much.” Jan said her mother always took constituen­ts’ concerns to heart. “She knew how to connect with people,” Jan said. “She genuinely cared and people sensed that.” Though she was born in Oshawa and raised in England, where she lived through The Blitz of the Second World War, Kishkon served as Windsor’s 29th mayor, from November 1983 to November 1985. One of her most memorable events was hosting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on their highly anticipate­d royal visit to Windsor Oct. 1, 1984.

“There was so much hype at school and in the city and in the newspaper and on the news leading up to that visit that I knew the name Elizabeth Kishkon — and that she was Windsor’s first female mayor,” Mayor Drew Dilkens, who was 12 when the entire Glenwood School walked to the parade route to wave at the Royal Family, recalled Wednesday. “Elizabeth Kishkon made a difference in the City of Windsor. She made the city shine.

“She inspired people. And she did it with dignity and grace.” Dilkens met Kishkon about two years ago and was so impressed with her warm demeanour, he proposed naming a park after her — something council unanimousl­y endorsed.

So on Sept. 15, 2017, the city officially renamed an east-end park off Banwell Road as Elizabeth Kishkon Park — with the honouree and her family in attendance. “She was so honoured that her city would pay tribute to her and her contributi­ons in that way,” Dilkens said. “She was very proud of her city and her pride just showed through.” Dilkens said naming a park in her honour was particular­ly fitting given she had an interest in protecting green space. Before her political career, she belonged to the Save Peche Island Committee. She also had a show on CBE Radio, which helped boost her profile.

She served as an alderwoman in 1970-71 and again in 1981-82 before becoming Windsor’s mayor — all while raising children. She was known as a strong speaker and someone who helped lift Windsor out of a recession. After serving as mayor, Kishkon kept on going — and was appointed to the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

She is survived by her daughters Jan, Kim and Lisa and her grandson Kevin. There will be no funeral at Kishkon’s request — but there will be ongoing memories of her life. Ron Wagenberg, an alderman who ran against Kishkon when she was elected mayor — and who was her lifelong close friend — says she will be remembered for her caring approach to life and politics. “She was very classy, and certainly very interested in public welfare and the needs of people,” Wagenberg said. “She was very kind and considerat­e that way.

“She was extraordin­arily lovely.”

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 ?? POSTMEDIA NEWS/FILES ?? Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip walk with Windsor mayor Elizabeth Kishkon and Ron Wagenberg during their 1984 visit.
POSTMEDIA NEWS/FILES Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip walk with Windsor mayor Elizabeth Kishkon and Ron Wagenberg during their 1984 visit.

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