Windsor Star



How To Properly LOSE WEIGHT

Weight loss is something most people struggle with in today’s society. Obesity is at an all time high and it is affecting people’s health and their well being. With approximat­ely 25 % of Canada’s adult population considered obese and children not far behind, we are facing an epidemic. The risk is poor health and a wide variety of health issues that can be avoided. Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthr­itis, gout, asthma, sleep apnea are some of the major issues caused from obesity. I don’t think any of this is a secret. What seems to be a secret is how to create a lifestyle to support an ideal weight and then maintain it. Lifestyle is a very interestin­g part of creating weight loss changes because it will then be what either maintains it or allows it to creep back on. So what exactly will affect weight loss success? Many things such as stress from relationsh­ips, employment, financial issues, family issues, etc. will cause emotional eating. If emotional issues are not dealt with, then diets become temporary situations with temporary results. Losing weight doesn’t mean your relationsh­ip issues are fixed, your job is now better or your family members have changed.


The only way to create the changes needed is to incorporat­e an approach that focuses on more than scales and “weigh ins.” The difficulty that people have is that focus is always on what you see and not what you are feeling and thinking. This approach has been proven WRONG. There are weight loss centers popping up and many others have burst their bubbles and disappeare­d. There are several new ones that have showed up that are based out of town and unfortunat­ely, focused like many others before them, on the scale and diets. Why do all these clinics disappear? Maybe because they DO NOT WORK?


It is a proven fact that the people that lose weight and keep it off must work with a system that will deal with emotions and lifestyle change. It must work on cravings for sugars and breads. Not just a simple don’t eat sugar and bread diet instructio­n that sounds like every other failed weight loss attempt. True change has to happen mentally and physically or it will be difficult for most people to get the control they are seeking. There is 1 clinic in Windsor that specialize­s on emotional as well as physical changes to help people lose weight and remove stress. They do not use scales and do not hand out diets. As they told us, “Most people know what to do, they just don’t do it. The secret is tapping this knowledge and making it natural and automatic. The real issue is that most clinics have no idea how to achieve this.”


Body and Mind Clinic in Windsor has been helping 1,000s of people since the 1990’s lose weight, quit smoking, remove stress, relieve anxiety and depression. Emotional eating is something they work on regularly with their clients. Also, since they also run a profession­al counseling and therapy practice, some people are able to use some their benefits for anything that falls under counsellin­g.


Body & Mind of Windsor has developed a very unique process of Laser Therapy to remove cravings for sugars and breads. These are 2 foods that seem to be very difficult for many people to stop eating for even a small length of time. All diets centers will tell you to cut down on sugar but doing it is a whole different thing. Body & Mind uses a special process that removes the desire for sugar. This is something much needed and not available anywhere else. They developed this at their clinic. Some clinics are now using sensitivit­y testing that tells people what foods to avoid. Body & Mind told us, “It’s easy to identify the foods people should avoid. What these clinics do not understand is that people crave what they are sensitive to and told to avoid. This is the real issue. We have developed a process of craving removal so not eating these foods is easy when you no longer want them. We have been studying cravings and addictions for many years and we don’t fight them, we instead remove them. This is what makes us unique and it’s unfortunat­e that other clinics do not recognize that and it is at the expense and frustratio­n of their clients. ”


The other process that Body & Mind uses is a specially developed relaxation process based on hypnosis and guided imagery. It is naturally stress reducing so clients report sleeping better and thinking better thoughts. The idea is not to focus on scales but instead a whole new lifestyle approach. The process is extremely relaxing and is recorded to listen to at home to reinforce all the positive new changes. It is refreshing to see a homegrown Windsor business helping people lose weight in a natural stress free way. No gimmicks. They offer a no pressure evaluation and design individual programs depending on amount of weight, stress levels, weight loss goals, etc. They have been in the same place since the 1990s helping people create changes. If you are tired of diets that do NOT work then it s time to do look at a process that can help you achieve the life style changes you have been seeking. If you are ready to remove stress, feel better, make naturally better food choices then call Body & Mind and book their free evaluation. They are located at 2303 Central Ave in Windsor, Ont. 519948-0078 Their weight loss website is -

Losing weight doesn’t mean your relationsh­ip issues are fixed, your job is now better or your family members have changed

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