Windsor Star

Cree council divvies up $700,000

Bigstone chief, councillor­s divvy up $700K

- Maura Forrest

An Alberta First Nation is mired in controvers­y after its chief and council recently awarded themselves bonuses worth nearly $700,000, apparently unbeknowns­t to the band membership until after the cheques were cut. The Bigstone Cree Nation band council’s decision to take a payment from a band-owned company it controls points to problems with the band’s governance and could be unlawful, according to Sean Jones, a Vancouver lawyer practising Indigenous law.

“If the band doesn’t have any bylaws that authorize this, there certainly could be a problem here," he said. “Certainly there’s clearly a risk of conflict of interest.” The bonus cheques were issued after a plan to nearly double a severance allowance for the First Nation’s elected representa­tives was abandoned this summer. Chief Gordon Auger had put forward the plan less than a month before he announced his own retirement ahead of the band’s upcoming election, slated for the end of October. After the plan became public, the increase was scrapped — and replaced with bonuses.

Travis Gladue-Beauregard, a band member who opposes the decision, said the issue is part of a larger transparen­cy problem within the First Nation government. “It’s really sad, because we have a lot of members that are living in poverty,” he said.

The Bigstone Cree Nation, which includes the communitie­s of Wabasca, Chipewyan Lake and Calling Lake in northern Alberta, has a population of roughly 8,000 and is governed by a chief and 10 councillor­s from the three communitie­s.

Auger was first elected in 1992 and has been chief, on and off, since then. In July, he announced his intention to retire. “I truly feel that I contribute­d to building up the nation from practicall­y nothing to where it is now due to the fact of devoting 24/7 of my time as the chief of the nation,” he wrote in a letter.

One month earlier, according to documents obtained by the National Post, Auger had sent a proposal to the council regarding a new “retirement package” for chief and council, referring to their “countless days and hours of family and personal sacrifices.” The plan would have increased the severance for the chief to $150,000 from $80,000 and to $130,000 from $70,000 for councillor­s.

Coun. Josie Auger wrote a letter opposing the change. “The history of increasing the transition­al allowance without a membership meeting and referendum breed irresponsi­bility and a lack of accountabi­lity to membership,” she wrote. The letter was published on the Facebook page of the Bigstone Empowermen­t Society, a group co-founded by Gladue-Beauregard in 2016 that aims to improve transparen­cy. Gladue-Beauregard said there was an outcry about the plan when the community learned about it, and the council backed down. However, July meeting minutes show that even as the chief and council voted to leave the severance allowance alone, they voted to approach Mistassini Aboriginal Contractor­s Ltd. (MACL), a band-owned company whose board of directors consists entirely of the chief and councillor­s, “to request the funds for a onetime dividends payment for chief and council as following: $70,000 for chief and $60,000 for council members.”

With the existing $80,000 severance payment, the $70,000 bonus would appear to bring Auger’s total compensati­on to $150,000 as he leaves office. Gladue-Beauregard said news of the bonuses didn’t leak until the cheques were cut in September. Since then, three councillor­s have published photos of cheques issued to them that they appear to have rejected. Josie Auger, not one of the three, told the Post in an email that she also refused the money. “It’s nobody’s business but ours,” said the chief in a brief phone interview Wednesday. The Post was unable to reach most of the councillor­s, though two, reached by phone, declined to say whether they’d accepted the money. One councillor, Stella Noskiye, said only that the chief and council are “underpaid.”

Financial records provided to the federal government under the First Nations Financial Transparen­cy Act (FNFTA) show that the chief was paid $90,000 in 2016-17, while each councillor made $82,800. Mistassini Aboriginal Contractor­s Ltd. was incorporat­ed in 2015. The entire band council used to sit as its board of directors, though two have since left the board, including Josie Auger. The other, Gloria Anderson, sent a letter to council earlier this year announcing she was resigning from the boards of 27 band-owned businesses she had been sitting on. “I believe that business and politics must be separate,” she wrote. “A review of the current Bigstone Cree Nation business entities corporate structure needs to be conducted.”

In a recent interview with local publicatio­n Windspeake­, Chief Auger said he had negotiated a “big contract” for MACL to work on a transmissi­on line, and the payout was in recognitio­n of his work. “I said we deserve a goddamn good bonus,” he said. Under the FNFTA, all First Nations must provide financial statements to the federal government. But the legislatio­n doesn’t require detailed informatio­n about band-owned businesses, as that could put them at a competitiv­e disadvanta­ge by forcing them to reveal private business informatio­n. Gladue-Beauregard said band members have little informatio­n about revenue from band-owned businesses, and don’t even know how many such businesses exist. MACL isn’t listed as a business entity on the band’s website. He said the First Nation desperatel­y needs money to repair roads and improve housing, and profits from band-owned businesses should be put to better use on behalf of the membership.

However, it’s unclear whether the Bigstone Cree Nation chief and council have done anything unlawful. An RCMP spokespers­on confirmed to the Post that the local detachment received a complaint from a community member, but an investigat­ion didn’t lead police to believe “that any type of criminal act has been committed.”

Still, Jones said that having the MACL board of directors be comprised entirely of the chief and council “presents a number of opportunit­ies for conflict of interest.” He pointed to a 2015 court decision that ordered a B.C. First Nation’s band councillor­s to repay bonuses they had granted themselves without consulting band members. “Generally, good governance would require that there’s kind of a division between the political arm of the First Nation … and the business arm,” he said. And in small communitie­s where overlap between the chief and council and business entities is unavoidabl­e, he said, “there’s a heightened need for there to be transparen­cy and policies to govern conduct.”


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