Windsor Star

CAS makes holiday donation appeal


With Christmas just over a week away, the Windsor-Essex Children’s Aid Society is appealing for last-minute holiday donations. While the agency has found sponsors for more than 650 families through its Holiday Program, there are still 61 families or young adults in danger of having little to no holiday cheer at all.

Each year, individual­s, families or corporatio­ns adopt a CAS family with a monetary donation or by actually purchasing the items on a family’s wish list.

“We’re to that point where it’s getting late for relying on people for in-kind things, so we’re looking more for cash donations so our staff can go out and purchase items from a family’s wish list and get specificsi­zed clothing,” said Mike Clark, the agency’s manager of public relations and fund developmen­t. Clark noted the CAS Holiday Program is “not just about toys. “These are families we provide service to, it’s about strengthen­ing the whole family this holiday season with food, clothing and gift cards.”

So far the agency has raised half of its $50,000 goal. The funds are used to provide assistance not just at Christmas but throughout the year. “It fills in the gaps,” Clark said. “At Christmas, everybody gives and we’re thrilled that the community has answered the call. “Throughout the year, it’s a little more difficult.”

The agency had to put out a late donation appeal last year as well when they helped with sponsorshi­ps for close to 800 families. “So we’re actually down in numbers from last year and that’s a good thing,” he said.

Any one interested in donating can do so by calling 519-252-1171, ext. 3360 or go online at wecaf.

“Part of our mandate is to strengthen,” Clark said. “To pull these families together for the holiday when they have no way to do that. That’s our immediate goal.”

 ?? NICK BRANCACCIO ?? CAS worker Debbie Parent, right, and her co-workers take inventory Friday of a limited supply of children’s toys and clothing destined for sponsored families.
NICK BRANCACCIO CAS worker Debbie Parent, right, and her co-workers take inventory Friday of a limited supply of children’s toys and clothing destined for sponsored families.

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