Windsor Star

Instead of engaging in honest debate on fiscal policy, we get filter bubbles pap

Politician­s only exaggerati­ng the merits and drawbacks,

- Kevin Carmichael writes. Financial Post kcarmichae­

Last week, I chastised Bill Morneau, the finance minister, for gloating about Statistics Canada’s latest hiring tally, which suggested a way-too-good-to-be-true 94,100 jobs were created in November.

That’s more than five times the monthly average since 1976. StatCan advises against making big statements based on singular readings from the Labour Force Survey (LFS); the margin of error is too large. Election season must be close, because politician­s and politicos who should know better are ignoring such warning labels. The goal appears to be to lure partisans into an alternativ­e universe until Election Day, when they will be sent back to this Earth to vote. How else do you explain the candy-coloured world that so many Liberals inhabit on social media, and the dystopian fantasies that play out on the Twitter feeds of Conservati­ves such as Pierre Poilievre, the Opposition finance critic? This should trouble all of us, and especially readers of the business pages, who might have a tendency to dismiss political gamesmansh­ip where the merits and drawbacks of various policies are exaggerate­d. Now, basic facts are fair game. When there is nothing on which partisans can agree, the result can only be more of the chaos of the sort that has brought us the trade wars. Paul Martin, the former prime minister, thinks we’re “living a throwback” to the worst era of modern history.

“One could say that we are going back to the turn of the century, which led to two world wars and a major depression,” Martin said at an event hosted by the University of Ottawa’s Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy. “It did that because it was impossible for government­s, for parties, for political people to get along and to compromise and to understand what was required.” The same jobs report that got Liberals excited also produced the source material for a story Poilievre told his Twitter followers about how the cost of living in Justin Trudeau’s Canada is increasing twice as fast as their wages. He rooted around and found a subset of data that said the average weekly earnings of permanent employees were 1.2 per cent higher in November than a year earlier, while annual inflation in October was 2.4 per cent. “That’s a real wage cut for Canadians,” Poilievre said. “Trudeau’s taxes and deficits are weighing heavily on working people.” Poilievre appears to have something in common with the minister he shadows: They both think most of us are stupid. Fact: The cost of living isn’t increasing twice as fast as wages. The Bank of Canada tracks four wage indicators and uses them to create a composite measure of its own; taken together, those gauges show that average hourly earnings are rising at least as fast as inflation. (Unlike Poilievre, most economists track hourly pay, not weekly earnings.) The wage data in the LFS is the central bank’s least favourite because it’s so volatile.

Job creation tends not to explode the way it did in November, and upward pressure on wages doesn’t vanish overnight in an economy that has been growing at or above its noninflati­onary potential for two years. On average, the hourly pay of workers 15 years and older has increased at annual rate of three per cent this year, according to StatCan. The pace has slowed in recent months despite low unemployme­nt, which is a mystery worth solving. But overall, while many of us might still be struggling to get ahead, most of us aren’t falling behind. Conservati­ves spent a lot of time before the Christmas break talking about the deficit. That suggests they sense a weak spot, which would mean Morneau and Poilievre will have feature roles in next year’s election drama. It’s a shame both men have been so willing to sacrifice their credibilit­y in order to win cheap political points. Neither appear interested in winning converts. Their messages are designed only to keep their filter bubbles happy, or unhappy, whatever the case might be. Deficits are a good issue. The decision of Moody’s Investors Service to downgrade Ontario’s credit rating is a reminder of what happens when government­s let their debts get away from them. It plays in the federal Conservati­ves’ favour. At the same time, Ottawa’s finances are nothing like those of Ontario. The latter’s debt is on track to reach 45 per cent of gross domestic product in five years, while the federal debt-to-GDP ratio is forecast to remain stable at around 31 per cent. Canada is one of only a handful of sovereign borrowers that retains the highest score from all the major debt rating agencies. It also must be said that Trudeau’s deficits have offset the negative effects of the trade wars. That plays in the Liberals’ favour. An honest debate might cause some Conservati­ves to realize that there is nothing magical about a balanced budget; research by the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund shows that spending on infrastruc­ture, education and other things that create wealth reduce debt over the long run. Or it might cause some Liberals to realize that their current champions have squandered Martin’s legacy as slayer of the last big deficit.

But we won’t be having that debate. If you found this article on Facebook or Twitter, it won’t take you long to figure out why.

 ?? ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Former prime minister Paul Martin thinks we’re “living a throwback” to the worst era of modern history, when chaos results from political gamesmansh­ip, writes Kevin Carmichael.
ADRIAN WYLD/THE CANADIAN PRESS Former prime minister Paul Martin thinks we’re “living a throwback” to the worst era of modern history, when chaos results from political gamesmansh­ip, writes Kevin Carmichael.

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