Windsor Star


Offensive nickname just the beginning of team’s sad story, says Paul Newberry.


You’ve got to hand it to Washington’s alleged NFL team. There’s the offensive nickname. Not to mention claiming a player off waivers not long after he allegedly beat up a woman — again. And let’s not forget the organizati­on’s unwillingn­ess to pursue a legitimate quarterbac­k — yes, there’s at least one out there — with the playoffs on the line. Oh, and while we’re at it, quietly trying to push through a plan for a new stadium that would undoubtedl­y serve as another raid on the public coffers. Let’s go ahead and give this bunch a new moniker: the worst franchise in sports. Washington’s NFL team has some stiff competitio­n, of course. There are horribly run franchises all over the sporting landscape. Even within its own league, it’s hard to dismiss the not-long-forOakland Raiders, who had the gall to announce they were bolting for a financial windfall in Las Vegas a full three seasons before they actually planned to skip town, smugly counting on the good people of Oaktown being nothing more than silver-andblack-clad suckers willing to support a lame-duck franchise. Now, it looks like the team might be homeless in 2019 after Oakland officials filed a lawsuit to recover some of the tens of millions of dollars they’ve invested in the team and its current stadium. The Raiders deserve to be banished to a season of aimless wandering after turning their backs on Oakland for the second time, trading away two of their best players, and handing the keys to the franchise to that broadcaste­r masqueradi­ng as a coach, Jon Gruden, who has guided them to three wins in his first 13 games. But we’ll still go with the Washington­ians as the ones most faithfully following the path of Be Worst.

A brief recap:

Reuben Foster, a troubled young

■ man arrested not once but twice this year on suspicion of domestic violence, was claimed off waivers by Washington shortly after being released by the San Francisco 49ers. While we have little faith that any NFL team really cares all that much about dealing with this scourge on society — see: Kareem Hunt and countless others who have had similar brushes with the law — Washington turned the cynicism meter up to full blast before ripping off the knob. While giving Foster what

■ amounts to a fourth chance (he’s also got a marijuana arrest on his rap sheet), Washington wouldn’t dare consider giving even a second look to a quarterbac­k who had the gall to kneel during the national anthem as a protest against racial injustice. Again, Dan Snyder and Co. are hardly alone in the twoyears-long blackballi­ng of Colin Kaepernick — see: 31 other NFL teams — but the hypocrisy really stands out in the nation’s capital. After all, this team was in the hunt for the playoffs when it lost starting QB Alex Smith to a gruesome leg injury and backup Colt McCoy to a broken fibula. Last week, the Redskins trotted out the carcass of Mark Sanchez, whose last glimmer of relevance came toward the end of Barack Obama’s first term. A 46-10 loss to the woeful New York Giants (who could have seen that coming, except everyone?) led Washington to make another change for what could be their last shot at making the post-season. Exit Sanchez, enter Josh Johnson, who has twice as many NFL employers (this is his 12th team) as career starts (Sunday’s game at lowly Jacksonvil­le will be his sixth, and first since 2011). Johnson gave Washington fans plenty of reason for hope when he declared “just a week ago, I was at home in the hood, chillin’ with the kids, chillin’ with my family and thinking on the couch that I might never play in the NFL again.” Also, he prepped for his new gig by playing the Madden video game.

Snyder has had a horrific reign

■ as owner — see: only five playoff appearance­s since buying the storied franchise in 1999, dwindling attendance at the FedEx Mausoleum, the RG3 fiasco, the embarrassi­ng reign of coach Mike Shanahan, and many other missteps — but he’s keeping up the push for a new stadium that would surely require the taxpayers’ help. The Washington Post reported last week that Snyder is working with the outgoing Congress and the Trump administra­tion to pull off an underhande­d manoeuvre: getting a provision in a new spending bill that would allow him to build on the site of team’s former District home, RFK Stadium.

Finally, let’s never forget that

■ awful nickname that won’t be typed out on this keyboard. I checked again with Merriam Webster. Yep, that word is still “very offensive and should be avoided.” Much like Washington’s NFL team. The worst franchise in sports.

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