Windsor Star

Impaired driver claims teen victim was at fault

Man who drove on sidewalk contends deceased was texting and inattentiv­e


An impaired driver sent to prison for veering onto a sidewalk and killing a first-year student at Western University is blaming the 18-year-old Toronto teen who died, alleging she was impaired and jaywalking. Londoner Jared Dejong raises the allegation­s in his defence against a $7-million lawsuit filed by the family of Andrea Christidis against him and others blamed in the 2015 death.

Serving a five-year prison sentence for impaired driving causing death, Dejong and his father, Gerald, who also is named as a defendant in the lawsuit, contend Christidis was texting on her phone and wearing dark clothing when she walked into oncoming traffic on Oct. 7, 2015, according to a statement of defence filed in court in London.

“She was impaired by alcohol, drugs, fatigue, stress or a combinatio­n thereof, and on the occasion in question, she was the author of her own misfortune,” the claim alleges. The Dejongs’ allegation­s contain many similariti­es to the defence put forward by Western University and the University Students’ Council (USC), also named as defendants in the lawsuit, saying Christidis caused her own death because she was using her phone, wasn’t wearing her glasses and wasn’t watching for traffic. “She moved from a position of safety to a position of danger,” the university’s statement of defence alleges. “She had the best chance to avoid the incident, but failed to do so.”

Statements of claim, and defences filed in response, are legal documents that include allegation­s not yet tested in court.

None of the lawyers involved in the lawsuit responded to a request for comment Tuesday, but a past president of the London chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving said civil lawsuits are especially tough on the families of victims. “It’s even more heartbreak­ing sometimes, because of the lengths they (defendants) will go to,” Mary

Rodrigues said of allegation­s that surface in such cases. Rodrigues, whose four-monthold son was killed by an impaired driver in 2008, has been involved in a civil claim of her own following her son’s death.

The cases can drag on for years and rehash horrible details from a criminal trial, she said. Christidis, who was just one month into her studies at Western, died in the hospital two days after being struck by a vehicle while walking on campus at night. Dejong had spent the evening drinking with friends at the campus bar, The Spoke, before getting into his father’s Volkswagen Golf to drive to a friend’s place, a court heard at his trial.

Dejong, whose blood-alcohol level was twice the legal limit, lost control of the vehicle — witnesses said it was speeding — while turning on Lambton Drive, hopping the curb and striking Christidis from behind.

The Christidis family filed a lawsuit in October 2017 against Dejong, his father, Western and students’ council, seeking damages on behalf of the young woman’s estate and for loss of income by both Christidis and her father, who later died.

The lawsuit alleges her father, Christos Christidis, suffered emotional distress, depression and anxiety from the loss of his daughter that ultimately led to his death on May 31, 2016, just two weeks before Dejong was sentenced after pleading guilty to impaired driving causing death.

A 25-year-old constructi­on engineerin­g technology student at the time of the crash, Dejong failed to avoid striking Christidis because he was impaired by alcohol, was using his phone at the time of the crash, had poor vision and wasn’t wearing glasses, the statement of claim filed on behalf of the Christidis family alleges.

Gerard Dejong, the father of the driver, failed to keep the brakes on his car in working order and allowed an impaired driver to operate the vehicle, the lawsuit also contends.

Western and its students’ council, as operators of The Spoke, served alcohol to Dejong when they knew, or should have known, he was impaired and allowed him to leave and operate a vehicle, the lawsuit alleges. Western, in its defence, denies it operates the bar. The Spoke failed to provide Dejong with an alternativ­e mode of transporta­tion or educate its staff on the dangers of letting patrons leave the bar while intoxicate­d, the lawsuit alleges.

In their joint statement of defence, Western and the students’ council deny Dejong was overserved and maintain he wasn’t visibly intoxicate­d when he left the bar.

The Dejongs deny the claims against them, saying Jared Dejong “acted in a prudent and careful manner and that the vehicle was in a fit and proper condition.” The case returns to court March 26.

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