Windsor Star

Time to join public push for greener, active future


The car is still king here, some people said. We’re the Automotive Capital of Canada.

The journey to more and better bike lanes in Windsor has been excruciati­ng. Remember the proposed route traversing Wyandotte Street East that was so Byzantine it was dubbed The Zigzag?

But now, according to a recent report to council, people are demanding more opportunit­ies to walk, cycle and ride public transporta­tion. And they want them sooner, not later. Urban Systems Ltd., the consultant helping the city create an active transporta­tion plan, set a target to increase walking, cycling and riding public transporta­tion from 10 per cent of all commutes to 20 per cent by 2041. That’s not enough, said most of the more than 4,000 people who were asked what they think. “The majority of feedback from the public indicated that this target felt too long-term, was not bold enough and suggested a higher target,” concluded the report.

So the target was changed, to 20 per cent by 2031 — doubling the current rate — and 25 per cent by 2041. And city council endorsed it. “It’s now the citizens demanding these things,” said Coun. Chris Holt.

It’s not only longtime advocates, he said. It’s all kinds of people, young and old.

“I think people recognize that ... we have to be bold,” said Lori Newton, executive director of Bike Windsor Essex. “That stood out.”

People want greener corridors and more ways for their children to walk and bike to school, she said. They’re frustrated with speeding, drivers ignoring pedestrian crossings and traffic around schools. They’ve travelled to other cities that embrace walking and cycling. They flocked to Open Streets here.

And, she said, “there is a real yearning for fun in our city. We want fun and healthy for our families and for our seniors.” This has been coming for a long time, she said, “but we haven’t been paying attention to it.”

Is this a turning point?

The public’s response — and a new council widely seen as more progressiv­e — could signal the cultural shift long said to be needed, Newton said. “People in Windsor have signalled we want a more progressiv­e council, we want a more progressiv­e city, and we recognize that smart, progressiv­e cities that attract young people and families are green, bike friendly and don’t prioritize how quickly a car can be driven from one end to the other,” she said.

The year 2018 was a pretty “momentous” one for the city, she said.

People also made a slew of smart, practical and insightful suggestion­s in the recent report. They want amenities like more signs, lighting and bike parking and repair stations. They want year-round maintenanc­e. They want vibrant public places where it’s enjoyable to walk and bike. They want the city to highlight new technology and opportunit­ies, like bike sharing. They want the city to promote all of this and engage people.

They understand that our flat topography and mild winters are assets. And they understand that specific, measurable and achievable benchmarks — and political will — are critical.

And some are thinking big. Windsor can be a role model, even a national leader, they said. “These are precisely the things we’ve said we need to have a conversati­on about,” said Newton. It all sounds good. But everyone supports bike lanes — except for their street. Windsor has seen plenty of that.

The new targets will require “significan­t” money, the report states. Will council — and taxpayers — approve that? Council recently endorsed an interim report that says bike sharing, something long talked about, can start here inexpensiv­ely and quickly. Will it? Last month was the deadline for companies to submit proposals to fix the so-called Dougall Death Trap, the stretch of Dougall Avenue under the CN Railway overpass. It’s a critical north-south corridor, but there’s no room for sidewalks or bike lanes. The plan is to dig a tunnel or culvert on the west side for pedestrian­s and cyclists. It would be transforma­tive. Council has set aside $4 million to $5 million. What if it costs more? People have said what they want.

“To ignore that is political folly,” said Holt.

The days of The Zigzag and other inane thinking — “I believe those days are over,” Newton said. “I think we’re going to be in a good place for a few years.”

 ?? DAX MELMER ?? A cyclist rides in the bike lane last month on Seminole Street near Walker Road.
DAX MELMER A cyclist rides in the bike lane last month on Seminole Street near Walker Road.
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