Windsor Star

Amazing “Fat Magnet” Capsule Triggers Rapid Weight Loss ...Even If You Cheat!

Record Breaking Double Digit Weight loss... In Just 30 days for FREE


There now exists an all natural, bio-active weight-loss compound so powerful, so effective, so relentless in its awesome attack on bulging fatty deposits that it has virtually eliminated the need to diet. News of this super pill from Asia is sweeping the country. It’s dynamite! In fact, thousands of people are now trying this Thrilling Japanese capsule and losing weight faster than ever before!


The Japanese diet capsule ingredient­s were developed in Japan by medical researches. The product contains no drugs whatsoever. Its ingredient­s are derived from a very unusual plant that grows primarily in Southern Asia. The technical name is Amorphopha­llus which comes from the root of the elephant Yam plant. This amazing plant is called elephant yam because the leaf of the plant looks like a large elephant ear. Why the root of the elephant yam plant? For years it was a widely held belief that extracts of the root of the elephant yam plant had magical properties. When a person ate a small amount of this unique plant extract they would miraculous­ly lose weight! The researcher­s investigat­ed this phenomenon and discovered through sophistica­ted testing, that the plant extract did indeed cause the human body to be “tricked” so you have a feeling of fullness … and bring about rapid weight-loss. Actually the way it works is truly extraordin­ary. Shortly after taking small portions of the plant extract, it dissolves into a completely natural gel which surrounds excess calories and preventing them from forming body fat. This action actually alters the time contact is made with the intestinal membrane! In addition, this remarkable plant gives you a feeling of fullness so your body is tricked into not feeling hungry while your excess weight comes tumbling off. It’s truly amazing finally eliminate starvation dieting. The research team were so impressed with the elephant yam plant extract’s abilities that they produced an amazing weight loss capsule which uses are more impressive, that the capsule actually surpasses the incredible powers of this plant extract because the ingredient­s are so highly concentrat­ed. In fact, it’s so effective at producing massive weight loss in record time that it was even awarded a patent by the United States Patent Authoritie­s. The amazing Japanese super capsules ingredient­s were awarded patents in other countries as well including Japan, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Japanese medical Doctor Mutsuhiko Kuroki explains when capsule enters into the small intestine it blocks cholestero­l absorption, reducing the amount of fat absorbed, preventing a sudden increase in blood glucose level and normalizes the body’s cholestero­l level.” Clinical studies on the root of the elephant yam plaint have been conducted in some of the world’s leading medical schools and universiti­es.


By now it should be obvious the Japanese super capsule is no ordinary diet pill. Unlike other diet programs, once you’ve taken there is really nothing else to do. You’ll marvel at the way it literally reverses years of overeating. You need only follow the simple instructio­ns. That’s it! You can continue to enjoy all those foods you love to eat. It simply does not allow your body to consume and absorb excess calories… Period! Each day you’ll notice absolute visible results as your unwanted pounds of fat flab and cellulite completely disappear. However, a word of caution is in order. Because the capsule is so effective at removing years of ugly fatty deposits and because it has absolutely no side effects, there is a tendency for some people to overdo it. Do not allow yourself to become too thin, even though you may experience a decrease in appetite you must remember to eat. If you start to lose weight too rapidly limit your pill intake, or even skip a day or two. Have a goal in mind and try not to go beyond it. Also, before starting this or any weight loss program you should check with a physician to determine that you are in normal health!


Mesa Naturals is the only company in the authorized to sell this amazing Japanese super capsule. They have examined the clinical proof conducted on ingredient­s and are thoroughly convinced that with this Japanese super capsule you can achieve the body of your dreams. They don’t care if you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed. They have documented the results of skeptical people who now swear by it. It’s true you can lose a maximum amount of fat in record time. In fact, as proof that they believe the amazing Japanese super capsule is everything they say it is, Mesa Naturals offer an extraordin­ary guarantee, one they wouldn’t dare make if they had even a single doubt! If you place your order now and then follow the simple instructio­ns for a period of 30 days, you must be completely satisfied with the dramatic results or just return the empty bottle will send you your entire purchase price. No questions asked! If you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed you no longer have an excuse. Mesa Naturals Super Japanese capsules are called Genesis XP and they are available to the general public. Best of all … ordering a bottle of Genesis XP is simple, fast and reliable!

Simply call 1-866-453-6467 ext. 1047 and order.

Supply options: $49.95 for a full 30-day supply. A limit of 2 orders per household. Please don’t wait to order. You really do deserve to be thin!

 ??  ?? DoÊa befoFe aÊd afteF “48 lbs of weight loss iÊ 10 weeks” What can I say? I can’t believe how fast the weight came off. I have never felt and looked this good in my entire life! Thank you so much, it truly changed my life forever. - Dona E.
DoÊa befoFe aÊd afteF “48 lbs of weight loss iÊ 10 weeks” What can I say? I can’t believe how fast the weight came off. I have never felt and looked this good in my entire life! Thank you so much, it truly changed my life forever. - Dona E.
 ?? LC ?? Wonder woman was the star on the hit show in 1979. And has appeared in numerous TV shows. All I have to say is the product is simply amazing, and Wonderful. LyÊda CaFteF
LC Wonder woman was the star on the hit show in 1979. And has appeared in numerous TV shows. All I have to say is the product is simply amazing, and Wonderful. LyÊda CaFteF

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