Windsor Star

A few joints may boost sperm, study reveals

Testostero­ne higher among pot smokers

- Sharon kirkey

When Dr. Jorge Chavarro’s team started investigat­ing marijuana’s effects on sperm, they had every reason to believe weed would prove detrimenta­l to “testicular function,” because other studies had said it to be so.

Instead, they found the opposite.

Men who had ever smoked marijuana had significan­tly higher sperm concentrat­ions and sperm counts, as well as higher testostero­ne levels, compared to men who had never smoked weed. Overall, the sperm of past and current marijuana users seemed to be of superior quality.

“These findings are not consistent with a deleteriou­s role of marijuana smoking on testicular function as initially hypothesiz­ed,” Chavarro and his colleagues report this week in the journal Human Reproducti­on. Previous studies — the majority of them in rats, but a few in human males as well — have linked heavy pot use with a slump in sperm production. The men in the new study, however, were smoking, on average, two joints a week.

Chavarro can’t fully explain his team’s unexpected findings, though he has a few hypotheses. It could be that males with higher circulatin­g testostero­ne concentrat­ions are also more likely to smoke pot and engage in other “risk-taking behaviours,” he and his co-authors postulate.

But it could also be true that a little bit of pot boosts sperm production, a relation that reverses at higher doses, much the way the incidence of heart disease is lower in moderate drinkers compared to non-drinkers. According to Chavarro, this much is clear: Legal access to pot is moving faster than the science on weed’s effects on the body. “We know a lot less than we think we know,” said the associate professor of nutrition and epidemiolo­gy at Harvard University.

One widely circulated 2014 study involving nearly 2,000 British men — the world’s largest study to explore how common lifestyle factors influence sperm morphology (the size and shape of sperm) — found that males under 30 with less than four-per-cent normal sperm were nearly twice as likely to have used cannabis in the previous three months. No similar associatio­ns were found with body mass index, type of underwear, smoking, alcohol consumptio­n or having a history of the mumps — though the researcher­s did find that sperm size and shape was worse in samples ejaculated in the summer months. Sperm with morphology issues tend to be poor swimmers, crawling or colliding head-on into the walls of the female reproducti­ve tract in their frantic swim to fertilize an egg.

For the new study, researcher­s collected 1,143 semen samples from 662 men between the years 2000 and 2017. The men were enrolled at the Massachuse­tts General Hospital fertility centre; 317 of them also supplied blood samples that were analyzed for reproducti­ve hormones.

The men were, on average, 36 years old, mostly white and mostly university­educated. Just over half (55 per cent) reported having smoked marijuana at some point. Of those, 44 per cent were past smokers and 11 per cent current ones.

Men who had smoked pot had average sperm concentrat­ions of 62.7 million sperm per millilitre of ejaculate, compared to 45.4 million/mL in men who had never used marijuana. There were no significan­t difference­s in sperm concentrat­ions between current and past marijuana smokers. A similar pattern was seen for total sperm count. Just five per cent of marijuana smokers had sperm concentrat­ions below 15 million/mL, the World Health Organizati­on’s threshold for “normal” levels, compared with 12 per cent of men who had never smoked pot. The marijuana smokers also had lower concentrat­ions of follicle-stimulatin­g hormone, or FSH, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. When the testes are having trouble producing sperm, the pituitary compensate­s by producing more FSH.

The marijuana users were smoking relatively modest amounts of marijuana, two to three joints per week, on average.

Other researcher­s have recently been warning about plummeting sperm counts among Western men. However, Chavarro said his team’s paper “does not mean that using more marijuana is going to increase sperm counts, or testostero­ne or your masculinit­y.”

The paper may be an outlier. “But who knows — it may turn out that marijuana is actually positive for sperm production, and we’ve been getting the answer wrong,” Chavarro said.

“The problem is we can’t tell which of those two interpreta­tions is the correct one.”

 ?? JONATHAN HAYWARD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? The sperm of past and current marijuana users seemed to be of superior quality, a surprising study has found.
JONATHAN HAYWARD / THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES The sperm of past and current marijuana users seemed to be of superior quality, a surprising study has found.

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