Windsor Star


Immigrants most generous donors,

- Craig and Marc Kielburger write.

When it comes to charitable giving, who are the most generous Canadians?

If you guessed baby boomers, try again. It’s not age related. Maybe the people of Newfoundla­nd, with their big East Coast hearts? Still no cigar. The most generous Canadians are immigrants.

Though Canada is more welcoming of refugees and immigrants than many other countries, even here, some see these groups as a burden. Newcomers take jobs and strain social services, according to detractors. Studies on giving paint a much different picture of immigrants, who support the charities and causes that make our communitie­s great places to live. Faced with a rising tide of hatred in our country, that’s a picture all Canadians need to look at. Immigrants donate more to charity, on average, than Canadian-born citizens of the same economic class, according to Statistics Canada.

That holds true down to the lowest income brackets. New Canadian households making less than $40,000 still donate an average of $404 to non-profits annually, compared to $214 from non-immigrants earning the same.

It’s not just about the money, either. While immigrants volunteer at a slightly lower rate than establishe­d Canadians, those who do volunteer contribute more hours on average. New citizens clearly have a desire to give back to their adopted home. How are Canadians, especially our charities, welcoming them? We need to think about how to better engage these groups in our communitie­s and make it easier for them to be involved, says Bruce MacDonald, CEO of Imagine Canada, an organizati­on supporting the non-profit sector. One way to do that is by encouragin­g our community organizati­ons — local non-profits, service clubs and even your child’s minor hockey team — to reach out.

The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel has worked hard to engage newly arrived families. Immigrants represent half the population of Peel Region, west of Toronto. A diverse community means accommodat­ing different cultural needs and approaches, explains Shari Lynn Ladanchuk, the organizati­on’s CEO.

The traditiona­l Big Brothers Big Sisters model of one-on-one mentorship doesn’t work for parents from some cultures, who aren’t comfortabl­e with other adults having a close relationsh­ip with their children. So the organizati­on adapted, developing a group mentoring program for immigrant youth called

The Conversati­on Club. Think about your own volunteer work or your favourite charity. You can help a local non-profit grow its impact and welcome new Canadians by ensuring that different cultures are considered when programmin­g is created, or administra­tions are formed. The faces of the other volunteers, staff and board members should look like the faces you see walking down the street. The next time you plan a fundraiser for your daughter’s school robotics club or your son’s baseball team, think outside the Western calendar. Holidays like Diwali and Eid are an opportunit­y to engage immigrant communitie­s at a time of giving that is meaningful to them.

With the number of charitable donors declining and another recession looming, immigrant donors may well be an essential lifeline for our community organizati­ons in the future.

New Canadians are enhancing the country’s reputation for generosity — one more reason to welcome them with open arms.

Craig Kielburger and Marc Kielburger are the co-founders of the WE Movement, which includes WE Charity, ME to WE Social Enterprise and WE Day.

 ?? DAX MELMER ?? New Canadians are making an effort to donate their time and money to charities in their adoptive home. Are non-profits in this country doing enough to welcome them?
DAX MELMER New Canadians are making an effort to donate their time and money to charities in their adoptive home. Are non-profits in this country doing enough to welcome them?

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