Windsor Star

Hydrant flushing tips for residents


Enwin’s annual flushing of the water hydrant system, which began in late April, will continue until Oct. 4 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. From Saturday until Sept. 3, flushing operations are scheduled in areas surroundin­g Riverside Drive to the north, Tecumseh Road to the south, Pierre Avenue to the west and Pillette Road to the east. Enwin’s schedule for areas of pressure testing will be advertised each Saturday in the Windsor Star. For daily informatio­n on where the utility is working, customers can follow its Twitter feed, @ enwinutili­ties, or see the hydrant system flushing map available on Enwin’s website. Those in flushing areas may notice some mild discoloura­tion and sedimentat­ion, which Enwin says is not harmful and should clear up after running the water tap for a few minutes. Enwin recommends customers follow these guidelines when system testing is underway in their area: fill containers with water you may require during the work; laundry may be damaged due to discoloura­tion of the water. Avoid doing laundry until the flushing has completed in your area for that day; try not to run any hot water taps, as some discoloure­d water and sediment may be drawn into the hot water heater; if there is discoloura­tion after completion, flow cold water through interior faucets until the water is clear. Residents who continue to see discoloura­tion in their water after flushing has completed are asked to call Enwin at 519-255-2727. Anyone with additional questions can contact Enwin at

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