Windsor Star

Ford targets ‘absolutely disgusting’ human traffickin­g


Judges should toss human trafficker­s in jail and “throw away the keys,” Premier Doug Ford said Thursday in detailing his government’s $20-million anti-human traffickin­g strategy.

“This is disgusting what they’re doing to our young people and it shouldn’t be tolerated and the judges shouldn’t be tolerating it either,” Ford said Thursday. “Rather than give them a slap on the wrist and letting them back out, they need to be thrown in jail and throw away the keys. It’s absolutely disgusting.”

The anti-human traffickin­g strategy will be led by Solicitor General Sylvia Jones and Children and Women’s Issues Associate Minister Jill Dunlop, he said.

The government says it will provide $7 million a year for a Community Supports

Fund that provides “wraparound” services such as emergency housing and addiction treatment to survivors.

Another $3 million a year will be available to an anti-human traffickin­g Indigenous-led fund that provides similar services to survivors.

The government is also giving $2.9 million to law enforcemen­t initiative­s that target human traffickin­g, including training for police officers to recognize the signs in victims and perpetrato­rs.

Ontario sees two-thirds of all human traffickin­g in the country and the average age of recruitmen­t is 13 years old, Ford said.

“That’s heartbreak­ing, absolutely heartbreak­ing,” he said. “And I can tell you it can happen to absolutely anyone. These are our kids and it’s our responsibi­lity to make sure we always protect them and take care of them.”

Ford’s Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government has been accused of reducing supports to some victims of sexual crimes.

Earlier this month, NDP MPP and Women’s Issues critic Jill Andrew said the government needed to reverse “cruel cuts” that have denied some survivors, including those of historical sexual abuse, compensati­on for counsellin­g.

Rather than give them a slap on the wrist ... they need to be thrown in jail and throw away the keys.

 ??  ?? Doug Ford
Doug Ford

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