Windsor Star

They just keep pulling us back in

From The Godfather to The Irishman, Mob stories are gifts that continue giving


Stories about the mob have become offers that Hollywood cannot seem to refuse.

The Irishman, Martin Scorsese’s new Netflix movie about the Bufalino crime family and famed union boss Jimmy Hoffa, marks the latest entry in a genre that has fascinated audiences and filmmakers for decades.

Pop culture watchers say that is hardly surprising given the combinatio­n of crime, family, violence and the American dream embodied in Hollywood tales about the Mafia offer.

“It’s a genre that really hits that sweet spot between a fascinatio­n with crime and a set of relatable family dynamics,” said David Schmid, editor of Violence in American Popular Culture (Praeger, 2015), and an associate professor of English at the University at Buffalo.

The Irishman, starring Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Ray Romano,

Harvey Keitel and Joe Pesci, follows offerings ranging from Little Caesar in 1931 to The Godfather saga and the TV hit The Sopranos that have reaped rewards both at the box office and in awards season.

After strong reviews, Scorsese’s return to the kind of Italian-american territory he explored in Goodfellas and Casino is expected to be a leading contender at next year’s Oscars.

“In many ways, the Mafia took over from the western as the great American epic,” said Robert Thompson, pop culture professor at Syracuse University.

“It’s about the settling of the urban frontier as opposed to the geographic­al frontier, and it’s also a great immigratio­n story,” he said.

Large Italian-american families, often gathered around dinner tables heaving with pasta, give audiences strong characters to root for, even if they are on the wrong side of the law.

Mafia films also give a twist to the classic American immigrant story of arriving in a new country, having to fend for one’s self and working hard to achieve goals, Thompson said.

When HBO’S TV series The Sopranos ushered in the notion of an emotionall­y conflicted mob boss, it deepened the morally ambiguous territory that mobsters inhabit on screen, but which helps make them so appealing.

“The reason these neurotic Mafiosi resonate with us is that we can all relate to being in a job that we don’t want to do,” said Schmid.

Yet, while violence is a key part of the package, there is often less blood-curdling imagery than other action movies.

“If you were to make a really explicitly violent Mafia movie, that wouldn’t be so popular with the audience,” said Schmid.

“The audience would prefer to be carried away by the romance of the quintessen­tially immigrant narrative where a person goes from nothing to becoming a godfather.”

 ?? PARAMOUNT PICTURES ?? Marlon Brando gave an iconic performanc­e in The Godfather, which continues to capture the imaginatio­ns of movie fans.
PARAMOUNT PICTURES Marlon Brando gave an iconic performanc­e in The Godfather, which continues to capture the imaginatio­ns of movie fans.

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