Windsor Star

Lost vote leaves red faces

Liberals begin new Parliament with a pratfall


“Bardish never lost a vote,” whooped one uncharitab­le Conservati­ve, as the opposition parties defeated the government in the first vote held in the 43rd Canadian parliament on Tuesday evening.

It’s true that former Government House leader, Bardish Chagger, did not lose any votes in the House but she had the benefit of managing the Liberals’ legislativ­e agenda during a majority government.

Pablo Rodriguez, her successor, was faced with the massed ranks of the opposition parties voting in favour of creating a special parliament­ary committee to examine Canada’s tense relationsh­ip with China in a minority parliament. The government won a confidence vote later in the evening, with the passage of the supplement­ary spending estimates. But defeat on the Conservati­ve motion sat like a ghost at the Liberal feast — a reminder that they only govern at the pleasure of the House and could be booted from office at any time.

Veteran NDP MP Jack Harris, now happily back in the chamber after losing in 2015, said the Conservati­ve motion was precisely the kind of collaborat­ion Canadians voted for in the fall election. “The Canadian public in its wisdom said that the Liberals should not have a majority. They felt that there should be a better balance and an opportunit­y to co-operate — that the Liberals should have to listen to the other side and work collaborat­ively,” he said.

This was a very deft move by the Conservati­ves, a sign of what my colleague Stuart Thomson called “strategic reasonable­ness.” The Liberals, and Justin Trudeau in particular, are vulnerable on China, after performing erraticall­y on the file in their first term. Polls suggest that two-thirds of Canadians have an unfavourab­le view of China and a majority think Trudeau’s handling has been poor or very poor.

Conservati­ve foreign affairs critic Erin O’toole made an effective case that an all-party, multidisci­plinary committee focused on the most important foreign policy challenge facing this country could yield better policy. Quite what the foreign policy establishm­ent thinks of this, one can guess. Global Affairs is not overly keen for cabinet to pursue its own foreign policy, far less lowly members of Parliament. The country might end up with three foreign policies.

But the public is exasperate­d at the continued detention of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, at Chinese ambitions as a “near Arctic state,” at human rights abuses of the Uighur population, and at any number of other examples of China flouting the rule of law.

O’toole said the new committee could craft a better balance between exploiting economic opportunit­y and standing up for democracy, human rights and our allies.

He criticized Trudeau’s apparent inability to govern in Canada’s national interest. “All Canadians now have no confidence in the prime minister when he goes abroad,” he said. “We used to bemoan the fact that Canada was never talked about on the world stage. Now we cannot see a late night talk show or Saturday Night Live without seeing our prime minister being lampooned for his actions on the world stage, gaffes that hurt Canada’s national interest.”

He reserved particular scorn for Trudeau’s mocking of President Donald Trump at the recent NATO meeting, “the very person we need to help us apply pressure for the release of our citizens in China.”

The Liberal record on China has been uninspirin­g. The lure of free trade negotiatio­ns persuaded Trudeau to raise the threshold on automatic reviews of foreign takeovers to $1 billion and wave through the Chinese takeover of Montreal high-tech firm ITF Technologi­es, against the advice of Canada’s national security agency. Trudeau’s visit to Beijing in December 2017 was a farce, as a press conference announcing the launch of free trade talks was on, then it was off.

In the end, the Chinese were not prepared to compromise their own illiberal agenda to accommodat­e Canadian expectatio­ns on the environmen­t and labour rights, forcing Trudeau to leave Beijing empty-handed.

The subsequent blocking of the sale of Canadian constructi­on giant Aecon Group to a Chinese state-owned enterprise and the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of telecom giant Huawei, over allegation­s her company violated U.S. sanctions on Iran, signalled relations had tanked.

O’toole was critical of the Trudeau government being too reserved in its comments on the unrest in Hong Kong, on the “re-education” of the Uighur population and on China’s attempts to exclude Taiwan from internatio­nal forums.

It is not clear how a special committee would produce more forceful positions, but it would surely prove more reflective than the view from the Liberal benches, as expressed by Kevin Lamoureux, parliament­ary secretary to the Government House Leader, who suggested “the relationsh­ip between Canada and China is good and the ministers are doing a great job protecting Canada’s interests.” One wonders whether the Kovrig and Spavor families agree with that “my party, right or wrong” sentiment.

The vote on the special committee that followed does not inspire confidence in Trudeau’s ability to navigate the rocky shoals of minority government. The Liberals were apparently ruffled by the clause in the motion that said the prime minister, minister of global affairs and Canada’s ambassador to China could “be ordered” to appear before the committee from time to time.

But this was a pretty benign motion — one of the alternativ­e options was a motion calling for the ethics committee to conduct hearings into Trudeau’s breaches of the Conflict of Interest Act.

Yaroslav Baran, a former chief of staff to a Government House leader in Stephen Harper’s government, said he thought the Liberals misplayed the motion. “What they should have done was read the mood of the House, see where (the vote) was going and make a decision to support the motion,” he said, suggesting the government could have spun it as a demonstrat­ion of making Parliament work. “Instead it passed anyway and they look like they are being partisan. Not a good look.”

Trudeau tacitly admitted his party had flubbed it during question period on Wednesday. “We recognize that there is an opportunit­y to collaborat­e further on the special committee on China. We just certainly hope that the opposition parties are careful not to play politics and endanger the lives of those Canadians with it,” he said.

If he’d reached that conclusion 24 hours earlier, he would have saved his party the embarrassm­ent of losing the first vote of the new parliament.

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