Windsor Star

Israel set to go to polls as Netanyahu under cloud


JERUSALEM • Israel headed on Wednesday towards a third national election in less than a year with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing the fight of his life for political survival after a criminal indictment.

After giving its preliminar­y approval, and barring last-minute progress in deadlocked efforts to form a new government, parliament was set to vote for its dissolutio­n later in the day and approve a March 2 election date already agreed by the two major parties.

What had once seemed nearly impossible to many Israelis — a third visit to polling stations after inconclusi­ve elections in April and September — carries a heavy economic price: it will be well into 2020 before a new budget is passed, which will mean months of cutbacks that will weigh on growth.

Neither Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party nor the centrist Blue and White party led by his main rival, former military chief Benny Gantz, won enough seats in the Knesset (parliament) for a governing majority in the previous two contests.

Both men were delegated the task of forming a coalition, but failed. Each has blamed the other for the impasse, in which neither could agree on the terms for a “rotating” premiershi­p.

In the two previous national ballots, Netanyahu’s opponents focused on the three corruption investigat­ions against him that included allegation­s he dispensed favours to media barons in a push for more favourable media coverage.

But this time, Israel’s longest-serving leader is running under the cloud of criminal indictment after charges of bribery, breach of trust and fraud against him were announced last month.

Denying any wrongdoing, Netanyahu, 70, has accused legal authoritie­s of attempting a “coup” aimed at ousting a popular rightwing leader. Critics alleged that Netanyahu was trying to undermine the rule of law and set an election campaign theme portraying himself as the victim of “deep state” conspiracy.

As prime minister, Netanyahu is under no legal obligation to resign as a result of the indictment, and while in office he can ask the legislatur­e to grant him immunity from prosecutio­n.

As caretaker premier, Netanyahu would remain in the post until a new government is formed — a process that could stretch months past a March ballot.

“The entire country is held hostage by the prime minister’s legal battles,” the leftwing Haaretz newspaper said in an editorial Wednesday.

An opinion poll on Israel’s Channel 13 news on Tuesday forecast Blue and White would win 37 seats to Likud’s 33 in the 120-member parliament, increasing the one-seat advantage it gained in April.

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