Windsor Star

28 years for attack on policeman, pedestrian­s

No legal defence taken for bloody vehicle rampage


A man who tried to kill an Edmonton police officer and four civilians on a chaotic night two years ago has been sentenced to 28 years in prison.

Abdulahi Sharif, 32, showed no emotion Friday afternoon as Justice Paul Belzil delivered his verdict.

“Although no sentence can repair the terrible harm done, hopefully the conclusion of this case will allow those impacted to have some measure of closure,” Belzil said.

Belzil said Sharif’s actions needed to be denounced “in the strongest of terms.” He said Sharif targeted Const. Mike Chernyk because Chernyk was police officer, adding Sharif has shown no remorse nor “any insight into the terrible harm he has caused.”

Belzil sentenced Sharif to 18 years in prison for attempting to murder Chernyk, along with 10 years each for the four remaining attempted murder counts, to be served concurrent­ly.

Belzil’s verdict concludes a case that featured one of the largest police investigat­ions in Edmonton’s history, and one of its stranger trials.

Many questions remain unanswered. Why did Sharif do what he did? Why did he choose to fire his defence lawyers, and offer no defence at trial? And why were terrorism charges never laid, despite the presence of an ISIS flag in Sharif’s car?

Chief Crown prosecutor Shelley Bykewich said the lack of any explanatio­n for the crimes “makes them that much worse.”

She recommende­d life in prison for the attempted murder of Chernyk, along with 20 years for the remaining counts to be served concurrent­ly.


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