Windsor Star



There are some really good builders out there.

Unfortunat­ely, there are also some builders out there who are not. When it comes to your new-build home, you don’t want to take any chances.

It might take a long time to find your dream builder, but I promise they’re out there. The good ones know how to do it right.

They build above code, incorporat­e new technologi­es and use better building practices to help create a stronger, healthier house for the homeowner.

You’ll want to ask them lots of questions, such as how long they’ve been in business, what their after-build service is like, and what kind of profession­al associatio­ns they belong to.

You want a builder that knows their stuff, and can create a home that will have lasting value for you and your family.

By taking extra steps during the constructi­on phase, a good builder can even bring additional value to your home, as your needs change and adapt over the years.

Here are a few ways they can do that:


For a new build, I like to see the basement remain unfinished when it’s handed over to the homeowners — and for a few years after they take possession as well. Why?

Over time, as concrete continues to cure, it can develop cracks.

By leaving the basement unfinished, you can easily identify any cracks that pop up during the first few years and address them, instead of leaving them hidden behind finished walls.

Eventually, you may opt to finish your basement to add some extra space, which is important if you plan to expand your family, or entertain a lot.

But your builder can rough-in for a bathroom to be added down the line. What does that mean?

Well, your basement won’t be complete with sinks, toilets and showers, but all the proper water supply lines and drains will already be in place.

This means you’re not breaking into a finished concrete floor to add a new drain — a process that can make adding a new bathroom a much more expensive process.

Builders can also add a roughin for a future radon mitigation system.

Excessive radon entry is something that we should take seriously.

There are also products that builders can use during the constructi­on stage to prevent radon from entering the home in the first place.

Underneath the home’s slab, you can lay insulation panels, along with a pipe to vent radon outside the home.


You can build it right — but do you have what it takes to protect it right?

Good builders go the extra mile to include products in the home that help keep it safe after the homeowner takes possession.

Surge protectors are a key item for every home. Think about it: you have thousands of dollars in electronic­s and appliances, and in an instant a power surge can strike, damaging them all.

With a whole home surge protector hooked up to your electrical panel, should a surge hit, the protector directs the excess power away from your grid and keeps your appliances safe.

This is an item that needs to be installed by a licensed electricia­n, so a builder could have them hook it up while they’re already on-site.

How protected is your home against water? Let’s hope your builder has taken every step to properly waterproof the home from the outside. What about the inside?

Installing a leak detector from Day One can save a homeowner a major headache should a pipe ever burst or a leak develop.

Certain connected models can also send alerts right to your phone, giving you the option to automatica­lly shut off the water, no matter where you are.

Finding a good builder is worth the wait — and one who goes above and beyond? To me, that’s priceless.

Mike and his family are back! Watch their new show, Holmes 911 on CTV Life Channel.

When it comes to your new home, choose a builder who takes it to the next level

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