Windsor Star

5 to die for roles in journalist’s murder



Saudi Arabia on Monday sentenced five people to death and three to jail over the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, but a UN investigat­or accused it of making a “mockery” of justice by allowing the mastermind­s of last year’s killing to go free.

A Saudi court rejected the findings of a United Nations inquiry by ruling that the killing was not premeditat­ed, but carried out “at the spur of the moment.” Saudi Deputy Public Prosecutor and spokesman Shalaan al-shalaan said the court dismissed charges against three of the 11 people tried, finding them not guilty.

A senior official of the Trump administra­tion, which critics say has been too soft on Saudi Arabia over the killing of Khashoggi, called the verdicts “an important step” in holding those responsibl­e accountabl­e.

Another senior U.S. official said Washington would go on pressing for full accountabi­lity. Khashoggi was a U.S. resident and a critic of the kingdom’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also known as MBS.

A source familiar with U.S. intelligen­ce assessment­s said key U.S. government agencies rejected the validity of the court proceeding­s and CIA experts still believed the crown prince personally ordered, or at least approved of, the killing.

The source said the five men condemned to death were essentiall­y foot soldiers in the killing, while two senior security officials acquitted played a more significan­t role.

A Saudi prosecutor said there was no evidence connecting one of those senior officials, Saud alqahtani, to the killing and the court dismissed charges against Ahmed al-asiri, a former deputy intelligen­ce chief.

Khashoggi was last seen at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2, 2018, where he had gone to obtain documents for his impending wedding. His body was reportedly dismembere­d and removed from the building, and his remains have not been found.

The murder caused a global uproar, tarnishing the crown prince’s image. Some Western government­s, as well as the CIA, said they believed he had ordered the killing.

Saudi officials say he had no role, though in September MBS indicated some personal accountabi­lity, saying “it happened under my watch.”

Agnes Callamard, the UN special rapporteur for extrajudic­ial summary or arbitrary executions, said the trial verdict was a “mockery” of justice.

“The hit-men are guilty, sentenced to death. The mastermind­s not only walk free, they have barely been touched by the investigat­ion and the trial,” she said on Twitter.

Eleven Saudi suspects were put on trial in secretive proceeding­s in the capital Riyadh. None of their names was immediatel­y released.

“The investigat­ion showed that the killing was not premeditat­ed ... The decision was taken at the spur of the moment,” Shalaan said, a position directly contradict­ing the findings of a Un-led investigat­ion.

The Un-led inquiry reported in February that the evidence pointed to “a brutal and premeditat­ed killing, planned and perpetrate­d” by Saudi officials.

The publisher of the Washington Post, a newspaper for which Khashoggi wrote a column, said the lack of transparen­cy and the Saudi government’s refusal to cooperate with independen­t investigat­ors suggested “a sham trial.”

“Those ultimately responsibl­e, at the highest level of the Saudi government, continue to escape responsibi­lity for the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi,” Fred Ryan said in a statement.

Human rights group Amnesty Internatio­nal said the verdict was a “whitewash” that failed to address the Saudi authoritie­s’ involvemen­t or the location of Khashoggi’s remains.

However, one of Khashoggi’s sons said the verdicts had been fair to his children.

“We affirm our confidence in the Saudi judiciary at all levels, that it has been fair to us and that justice has been achieved,” Salah Khashoggi said on Twitter.

On Monday, Shalaan said that when the Saudi team that entered the consulate saw it would not be possible to transfer Khashoggi to a safe place to continue negotiatin­g, they decided to kill him.

Turkey said the trial outcome was far from serving justice.

“The fact that important issues like the location of the late Khashoggi’s body, the identifica­tion of the instigator­s and, if there are any, the local co-operators, are still in the dark is a fundamenta­l shortcomin­g to justice being served and accountabi­lity,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said.

Riyadh’s criminal court pronounced the death penalty on five defendants “for committing and directly participat­ing in the murder of the victim.”

The three sentenced to prison were given various sentences totalling 24 years “for their role in covering up this crime and violating the law.”

The verdicts can be appealed.

 ?? OSMAN ORSA / REUTERS FILES ?? A protester holds a candle in front of a poster of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A Saudi
court has acquitted three senior officials in his murder.
OSMAN ORSA / REUTERS FILES A protester holds a candle in front of a poster of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. A Saudi court has acquitted three senior officials in his murder.

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