Windsor Star

Body odours at library should not be judged


Re: Windsor Public Library to ban sleeping, vaping, smelling at its downtown location, by Trevor Wilhelm, Feb. 29

After reading the article about Windsor Public Library’s new policies, it has left me with many questions.

I understand the ban on no smoking or vaping and limiting number of bags allowed. I can even accept the no napping rule.

But the rule about excessive body odour?

While I am certainly in favour of proper hygiene and have been bothered by someone’s strong cologne, perfume or body odour, one has to wonder what exactly are the parameters for the kinds of odours allowed.

Who is going to be the judge of somebody’s offensive odour?

Can I, for instance, complain of someone’s strong cologne or perfume if I find it offensive? And then that person will be asked to leave?

Or is this directed at only certain clientele, which would suggest discrimina­tion. How are you going to approach said offender and tell them that they smell offensive?

We should respect others.

Yes, many people are scent sensitive, but has anyone been in a public place such as a restaurant, store or movie theatre and asked someone to leave because they are offensive to others with their odour?

I feel this is violation of a person’s individual rights and borders on discrimina­tion. How can anyone say one person’s odour is less offensive than someone else?

I feel the public library has gone too far on that rule.

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