Windsor Star

Beef, pork producers reeling from outbreaks


Canadian livestock groups say producers are suffering since COVID-19 outbreaks have caused closures and slowdowns at meat-processing plants across the country.

A backlog of animals waiting to be processed has farmers paying more to maintain their inventory and considerin­g culls of their livestock.

“There is a backlog, there’s no doubt, on both the cattle and the pork side,” said Chris White, president of the Canadian Meat Council, which represents the processing plants.

White said temporary shutdowns at a Cargill plant in High River, Alta., and at an Olymel facility in Quebec, as well as a reduction to one shift at a JBS Canada plant in Brooks, Alta., has slowed down the processing rate. “The issue is can you address some of the backups or a sufficient amount of the backup, so you don’t have to do the humane culls? And that’s the challenge right now,” White said.

While some industry groups estimate there’s a backlog for processing of about 100,000 cattle, the situation is worse in the pork industry.

Gary Stordy with the Canadian Pork Council said the backlog in Eastern Canada is at 140,000 pigs, and the loss to the industry this year could hit $675 million.

He knows of one hog producer who had to euthanize about 200 animals due to the pandemic backlog.

“They don’t take this lightly and that’s why there’s incredible efforts to stop that from happening,” Stordy said.

He said the industry produces about 23 million hogs per year. And since hogs mature faster than cattle, they’re ready for market quicker and producers aren’t able to keep them indefinite­ly.

“When animals are ready to go to market, they’re actually starting to grow at a very fast rate. And if you hold onto animals longer than you should, then you’re not able to go through normal processing facilities.”

The Canadian Press

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