Windsor Star

Unmasked gatherings at church lead to charges


A church in Wheatley had indoor congregati­ons of 100 unmasked people on two consecutiv­e days, says the Chatham-kent Police Service.

According to police, the large gatherings took place in the Old Colony Mennonite Church at 22046 Wheatley Rd. on Dec. 26 and Dec. 27.

Officers went to the location around 11 a.m. on both days in response to reports from the public.

The gatherings were ongoing when officers arrived. No masks were being worn on either day.

The first time, on the morning of Dec. 26, a 50-year-old man from Merlin took responsibi­lity for the gathering.

Officers then requested that the church end its service early, and all attendees left the property without trouble.

Despite police admonishin­g the group and a charge being laid for the Dec. 26 incident, an identical situation occurred on the following day, Dec. 27. A 43-year-old man from Merlin took responsibi­lity for the second gathering.

Chatham-kent police said both men face charges of failure to comply with the Reopening Ontario Act. The accused have been scheduled for court appearance­s in January.

Police also noted that masks are required during worship under municipal bylaw.

Chatham-kent police remind the entire municipali­ty that restrictio­ns have been implemente­d by the provincial government to halt the spread of COVID-19.

“As a community, it's imperative that everyone does their part to keep the citizens of Chatham-kent safe and healthy,” Chatham-kent police stated.

Old Colony Mennonites are one of the largest Mennonite denominati­ons in Ontario. There are multiple Old Colony Mennonite Church locations in Essex County and Kent County, including a church and Christian academy in Kingsville.

The religious group is thought to be more traditiona­l and conservati­ve than other Mennonite denominati­ons.

According to a descriptio­n by the Mennonite Central Committee, Old Colony Mennonites are characteri­zed by keeping their “primary allegiance” to God, “and not to the political, economic, and social systems that govern the countries in which they live.”

“Tradition — often expressed by the phrase `we wish to do as we were taught' — is the vehicle Old Colony Mennonites use to ensure that this separatene­ss is maintained.”

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