Windsor Star

NDP calls on province for paid sick leave


Provincial NDP members, including Windsor-tecumseh's Percy Hatfield, are calling on the government to pass legislatio­n providing paid sick days for Ontario workers to help curb the spread of COVID-19.

Public health experts, including the Windsor-essex County Health Unit, support legislatio­n for paid sick days, said Hatfield.

“The premier has said numerous times he respects and listens to the medical experts, including those who run our public health units,” Hatfield said during question period. “My health unit in Windsor and Essex County has joined 16 others already on record in support of paid sick leave during the COVID -19 pandemic. In fact, a letter to the premier this week calls on the premier to support Bill 239, the Stay Home if You Are Sick Act.”

The bill, tabled by NDP MPP Peggy Sattler, would guarantee 10 personal emergency leave days per year for every worker. Seven of those days would be paid.

Hatfield said the Ford government has blocked the legislatio­n.

The bill, introduced in 2020, was up for debate on Thursday when Sattler and Official Opposition leader Andrea Horwath planned to push for the government to expedite the bill and make it law on Monday.

“We need to do everything we can to avoid more spread, more closed businesses and a third wave,” said Horwath. “Paid sick days is a big part of the strategy we need. Instead of putting money first, let's put public health first.”

Hatfield said the Windsor health unit stated in a letter to the premier that more than half of Canadian workers don't have access to paid sick leave through their employers.

He said 70 per cent of people earning less than $25,000 don't get paid time off when they're sick. He added that those earning less than $30,000 are twice as likely to contract COVID-19 and three times more likely to end up in the hospital with it.

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