Windsor Star

Infertile Ground: Fertility funding not available to gay men


Ontario's funding model for in vitro fertilizat­ion discrimina­tes against single and gay men because only women are eligible to receive funding for the expensive treatment, according to rights advocates.

To receive funding for IVF, which starts around $10,000 for one cycle, the woman giving birth must provide her OHIP number even if she's a surrogate.

“If the patients are two gay men, they have to rely on the OHIP number of their surrogate,” said Toronto fertility lawyer Sherry Leviton, also board director of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society.

“So if they're doing an IVF and banking embryos but they don't have a surrogate yet, they're not going to get it. And if their surrogate has used it for herself or for another couple, they're not going to get it. I think it's clear discrimina­tion.”

The provincial government created the Ontario Fertility Program in 2015.

It provides $20 million annually for intrauteri­ne inseminati­on (IUI) and $50 million for in vitro fertilizat­ion (IVF).

Women are allowed funding for one IVF cycle for themselves in their lifetime. They can apply for funding for a second cycle if they're acting as a surrogate for someone else.

If a woman previously acted as a surrogate, funding would not be available for her to do it for another couple.

“There are multiple issues that need to be addressed with the funding program,” said Dr. Rahi Victory, who runs Windsor's only IVF clinic. “I recognize they had the best intentions when they first started.

“But there are ways to make it a more equitable program for everyone.

“We know what those ways are and we would love to address them. But as it stands now there are people that this program cannot serve even though they're as deserving as anyone else is.”

In many cases, he said the deserving individual­s getting left out are men.

“Two gay women are allowed to do it twice,” said Victory. “Two gay men need the surrogate to be the person that accepts using her funding for them for her one time as a surrogate. Same thing if you're using an egg donor.”

Given the limited number of people willing to be surrogates, he said that makes it even more difficult for men who don't have a female partner to have a child.

“It's hard enough already doing it, and the costs are astronomic­al just to use a surrogate,” said Victory. “So it's even harder to find someone willing to do that.”

The Ministry of Health said IVF cycles and funding eligibilit­y are tracked through the health card number of the person undergoing the embryo transfer procedure, or the person trying to become pregnant.

If it's a surrogate, that person is identified as the “primary IVF patient”, and not the egg donor, sperm donor or intended parents.

While they can't get funding without a surrogate, other people such as intended parents or sperm and egg donors can participat­e as “secondary IVF patients,” the ministry said.

“The OFP was designed in this way to ensure that access to funded fertility services is open to eligible patients regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientatio­n or family status,” the ministry said. “This includes patients with medical issues causing infertilit­y as well as patients with non-medical forms of infertilit­y, such as single people or same-sex couples.”

But to receive any funding for IVF, the intended parents must have an eligible surrogate in place.

“This applies to heterosexu­al couples using a surrogate as well as same-sex male couples using a surrogate,” according to the province.

Regardless of whether the couple is gay or straight, Levitan said requiring them to go through the surrogate to get funding doesn't make sense because it's not her baby.

“She's not going to be the parent of that child,” said Levitan. “There should be a more equitable way of assigning the funds. I don't understand why two men or a single man aren't entitled to funding.”

And while some heterosexu­al couples might need a surrogate, many others do not, said Noa Mendelsohn Aviv, equality director of the Canadian Civil Liberties Associatio­n.

“It's certainly possible that a straight couple who needs to do IVF through a surrogate but still wants to bring in their own egg might find themselves in the same kind of scenario,” she said. “But there are also lots of scenarios in which they wouldn't.

“If there was an infertilit­y issue they might still be able to conceive using IVF for themselves to have their own child in a way that is not available, ever, to gay couples.”

That's where the issues of inequality start to creep in, she said.

“If it's going to have a disproport­ionate impact on gay couples and on single men, that they can never claim IVF in their own right to have their own child, then that would be discrimina­tory in my view,” said Mendelsohn Aviv. “And I don't see how this could not have a disproport­ionate impact on gay men and on single men.”

The program seems to be set up around antiquated ideas of what a family should be, she said.

“It's a system that is, at a minimum, privilegin­g straight couples or women,” she said. “It's provisioni­ng families as needing to have a biological mother there, which is for the most part going to be straight couples.

“Either they are deliberate­ly excluding gay couples, which is inexcusabl­e, or they forgot that gay couples existed and set this up around an old idea of a family that has a mom and a dad and, you know, a dog. And to forget that gay couples exist is also inexcusabl­e.”

Second in a three-part series this week by reporter Trevor Wilhelm. Infertile Ground looks at the difficulti­es Windsor-area couples face when seeking fertility treatment, including the lengthy, complex process involved and the low level of government funding supports compared to other Ontario cities.

Part One: Provincial funding for fertility treatment out of reach for most Windsorite­s

 ?? NICK BRANCACCIO ?? Dr. Rahi Victory of Victory Reproducti­ve Care says that gay male couples are often the ones left out of provincial IVF funding.
NICK BRANCACCIO Dr. Rahi Victory of Victory Reproducti­ve Care says that gay male couples are often the ones left out of provincial IVF funding.

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