Windsor Star


Claims that palace spreading `falsehoods'


LONDON • Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, said that she felt justified speaking out if Buckingham Palace was “perpetuati­ng falsehoods” about her and her husband, Prince Harry.

A short video clip of Meghan making the comments to Oprah Winfrey was released early Thursday ahead of the airing of their interview.

In the video, released on social media by CBS, Oprah asks Meghan: “How do you feel about the palace hearing you speak your truth today?”

Meghan replied: “I don't know how they could expect that, after all of this time, we would still just be silent if there is an active role that The Firm” — the term the Royals are said to use for the whole apparatus of the family — “is playing in perpetuati­ng falsehoods about us.”

“And, if that comes with risk of losing things, I mean, I ... there is a lot that has been lost already.”

The clip was less than 30-seconds long, but it quickly dominated news websites and broadcast bulletins in Britain.

It was the second teaser to be released from Meghan and Harry's highly anticipate­d two-hour CBS special with Oprah, which airs Sunday on Global in Canada, and a day later in the United Kingdom. In the first clip, Oprah suggests there could be sensationa­l revelation­s.

“You've said some pretty shocking things here,” Winfrey says to the couple.

The interview was recorded before Buckingham Palace's highly unusual statement Wednesday that it would investigat­e allegation­s that Meghan bullied members of her staff.

The Times of London reported that Meghan was accused in a 2018 complaint of bullying staff, especially young women, “to the point of tears.” People claimed to the Times that the duchess had bullied two personal assistants, and had undermined a third.

Those allegation­s do not describe the alleged bullying behaviour in any detailed way. It remains unclear what exactly Meghan did or said to staff, if anything.

In response to those claims, Meghan's spokesman said: “The duchess is saddened by this latest attack on her character, particular­ly as someone who has been the target of bullying herself and is deeply committed to supporting those who have experience­d pain and trauma.”

The palace said in a statement that its human resources department would investigat­e. “Members of staff involved at the time, including those who have left the Household, will be invited to participat­e to see if lessons can be learned,” it said.

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