Windsor Star

Turkish delight

Stray pays homage to Istanbul's humble mutts



★★★1/2 out of 5

Cast: Dogs

Director: Elizabeth Lo

Duration: 1 h 12 m

Available: In select cinemas, with others to follow. On demand through itunes, VIFF Connect (in B.C.) and Hot Docs at Home (March 11).

She should have called it Köpek, Turkish for dog. Elizabeth Lo's documentar­y Stray exists as a kind of canine counterpar­t to Ceyda Torun's lovely 2016 documentar­y Kedi, about the feral cats of Istanbul. Lo spent more than a year following a trio of stray dogs around the city's streets and waterfront, attaching GPS collars to her subjects at the end of each day so she'd know where to find them the next day.

Several directoria­l choices make this more than just 72 minutes of aww-that's-cute moments, though there are plenty of those. One was to shoot most scenes from dog height — I briefly wondered if she'd employed cameradogs — all the better to capture the city from a canine viewpoint.

Another was to carefully record the sound in each scene, so we hear what the dogs do, including snatches of intimate conversati­on. (Humans will discuss anything around dogs.)

And while the mutts are always the focus, Lo doesn't shy away from recording their encounters and friendship­s with people. Chief among these is a group of young Syrian refugees, whose homeless lives are about as perilous as the dogs' existence. Another scene shows one of the dogs howling along in fairly decent harmony to a muezzin's call to prayer.

The minimal onscreen informatio­n informs us that Turkish law prohibits euthanizin­g or holding captive any stray dogs, which explains their number.

We also get several quotations from Diogenes, a philosophe­r from nearby Sinop who lived in the

4th century BC, and who left behind such wisdom as: “Human beings live artificial­ly and hypocritic­ally and would do well to study the dog.”

And: “Dogs and philosophe­rs do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.”

In fact, he may have been a dog. Diogenes sounds like the kind of name a dog would come up with to hide his identity.

Stray is the perfect film for animal lovers, and particular­ly those who recall watching Kedi and thinking: “What's with all the cats?”

I identify as a cat person, but even so I found this one its equal in every way.

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