Windsor Star

Loss of pool a blow to seniors in city


We are disappoint­ed with the city council's decision to close the pool at Adie Knox.

We are what might be called nowadays as “junior seniors” (ages 71 and 72), being a husband/wife team doing regular lap swimming since 1983. What a battle it is to stay in shape as we age.

When team school workouts became more frequent at the WIATC in the last couple years, we switched to regular swims at the Adie Knox pool.

As we did our laps we were impressed with the large group of regular aquafit exercisers. These were folks, many much older than us and many with restricted mobility, but boy, what dedicated effort to keep moving. Very inspiratio­nal.

I am saddened by the situation these valuable seniors will endure. They have paid city taxes longer than any of us.

Issues raised by The Friends of Adie Knox regarding the pool closure are valid. The University of Windsor's pool will not be as suitable. Will students paying high fees give up their pool a few hours a day, so old folks can exercise?

Will they keep the pool at a warmer temperatur­e for old folks vs. young athletes? Forget it.

A key element in the city's deal is the lack of any fight for a therapy pool at the university. The Adie Knox seniors need this resource to help their health.

I hope Mayor Drew Dilkens and other council members can avoid the aches and pains of age and injury. If they, too, need a therapy pool, I will watch (if still alive) with satisfacti­on at their sudden change of heart.

But it will be too late — for all of us. Hugh and Kathy Leal, Windsor

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