Windsor Star


Good landscapin­g goes beyond appearance; done right, it can protect your property

- MIKE HOLMES Listen to Mike's new Holmes on Homes Podcast on all major streaming platforms.

Smart landscapin­g will add to your curb appeal, but landscapin­g serves other purposes as well. You can use your landscapin­g to create privacy, add functional­ity to your exterior and protect the outside of your home.

If you are planning on selling your house, take care of the exterior. It is your home's first impression.


If you are planning on laying down interlocki­ng stones or building a retaining wall, I recommend bringing in a profession­al landscapin­g company.

A lot can go wrong if you don't know all the steps required.

Retaining walls also require a fair bit of planning and, depending on the height, may also require a permit, so check with your local building authority.

Remember, the purpose of a retaining wall is to hold soil behind it, so you want to be sure it is done correctly and safely. Choosing the wrong material or improper installati­on may cause it to fail.

Always check for level ground before you lay down your stones. When you're planning a retaining wall with proper drainage, it's important to know what type of soil you have.

When laying down interlocki­ng stone you may also want to include a trench drain to help with drainage.

Hire a reputable landscapin­g company and make sure you have a contract in place. Your landscape designer should be looking at which existing landscapin­g features need to be removed and how you are planning to use your outdoor space.


Do you have kids at home who will be playing in the yard? Think about how you can keep your kids in view while they are playing outside.

You use your landscapin­g to keep your house cool in the summer. When you're outside and it's too hot, the first place we naturally move to is the shade. Shade provides protection from the beating hot sun and trees are nature's umbrellas.

So how do you create shade outside your home?

One way is by planting trees strategica­lly. Just make sure you're consulting a profession­al landscaper before you plant. The last thing you want to do is plant a tree too close to your home. While it will provide lots of welcome shade, having tall trees right next to your property can direct water right onto your roof, causing it to wear down and leak.

And the roots can wreak havoc on your interior systems if they penetrate your weeping tile or pipes.

If you want to add more privacy to your landscapin­g, consider a fence or planting shrubs around the perimeter of your property. Check with your local building authority for fence height restrictio­ns and consider getting your property surveyed to make sure you are within your property lines. You may be trying to block your neighbours' view of your backyard, which I don't think is a bad idea, just make sure you do it right.

Do you want to create an outdoor area with a fire pit? Outdoor fireplaces and fire pits are a good addition to your space. I love having an outdoor fireplace. There are many styles, sizes, and heat source options available.

But make sure backyard fire pits are legal in your area first.


Many homeowners tend to love the idea of a garden right up against their home. I think it's a bad idea. You want some space between your foundation and your garden to keep water away.

If you are planting trees, they are a more permanent part of your landscapin­g. Choose the location wisely and make sure they are not too close to the house. When choosing plants, I recommend looking into plants that are native to your area. Instead of planting shrubs and flowers right up against your house, consider planting flowering beds or raised beds.


We all know that water needs to drain away from your home's exterior. That's why proper grading is so important. Drainage is the most important aspect of any landscape.

If water is flowing back toward your foundation, it will find a way to enter your house. If you see large puddles on your lawn, that could indicate a grading issue. You want your yard to slope down away from the house, to allow water to run away from the foundation and not toward it.


Inspect your driveway as well. Do you see cracks in your concrete or asphalt driveway? Small cracks can be addressed with a repair kit from your local hardware store.

If you have large trees over your deck, keep them trimmed and don't forget to inspect your trees after storms for any broken branches or other damage.

So this summer, inspect your front and back yards and make sure your landscapin­g is adding to your curb appeal by creating privacy, functional­ity and protection for your home.

And remember, proper maintenanc­e will ensure you have a property that is safe and trouble free for years to come.

 ?? THE HOLMES GROUP ?? Homeowners should be strategic about where they place trees so larger plantings can provide shade in the right areas without damaging weeping tiles and foundation­s, Mike Holmes says.
THE HOLMES GROUP Homeowners should be strategic about where they place trees so larger plantings can provide shade in the right areas without damaging weeping tiles and foundation­s, Mike Holmes says.
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