Windsor Star

ERCA marks Wetlands Day with two major local projects


Essex Region Conservati­on Authority is marking World Wetlands Day Wednesday and focusing on the call to take action for wetlands.

Two major projects are currently underway — at Hillman Marsh Conservati­on Area in Leamington and adjacent to Holiday Beach Conservati­on Area in Amherstbur­g — to expand and improve wetland habitat in the Essex region.

Extensive repairs and reinforcem­ents are being installed at Hillman, in partnershi­p with Ducks Unlimited Canada and with funding from the province.

The wetland was previously sheltered from heavy wave action on Lake Erie by a long beach ridge. But that sand ridge has been washed away and the protective system of earthen dikes has been breached in sections.

The work will protect wetland containmen­t systems.

In Amherstbur­g, a new .75-acre wetland is being created that will feature turtle habitat with nesting areas and basking logs. Excavated earth from the new wetland will be used to create topographi­cal interest for the Holiday Beach Cycling Trail.

The Amherstbur­g Community Foundation, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada and others are helping to fund the project.

“Both of these wetland projects are important to help mitigate flooding, create habitat and improve water quality for Lake Erie,” said Tim Byrne, ERCA chief administra­tive officer.

“Wetlands also have value as carbon sinks, and provide habitat for important species at risk,” Byrne said. “We are sincerely grateful to all partners who are investing in this type of important green infrastruc­ture.”

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