Windsor Star

NATO trying to counter Russian propaganda


• A Canadian military official says the war over Ukraine is being fought on two fronts — armed conflict and disinforma­tion.

And more work needs to be done to silence the Russian propaganda machine, says Lt.-col. Yves Desbiens.

Desbiens, who has been stationed with Canada's 500 troops in Latvia for the past four years, says he has been studying ways to counter the “informatio­nal warfare” that Russia has been using successful­ly for several years.

Russia is refining its tactics when it comes to disinforma­tion, Desbiens said in an interview with The Canadian Press while in Calgary on Tuesday.

“We need to get better ... we need to track this much faster and to adapt to their patterns. Once we adapt, we can take proper action to minimize the damage it will do.”

He added that he's surprised Russia's disinforma­tion machine hasn't worked in Ukraine.

“They thought that they would sow division within NATO and clearly the outcome is NATO has come together to a level that we haven't seen in years.”

Desbiens, who has also been working with the NATO Strategy Communicat­ion Centre for Excellence, said he didn't see the invasion of Ukraine coming since there had been conflict in the country for years.

Russia traditiona­lly follows a pattern of “hybrid warfare,” including the use of internet bots and troll farms to influence the economy, politics and culture, he added.

“They're rewriting history,” he said. “If we go back to the current conflict, all of the lessons that we've learned and all the key findings we've come across over the last years help us understand how they were going to operate in Ukraine, how they were going to lay out their informatio­n campaign.”

Canada leads the NATO battle group in Latvia, part of its longstandi­ng deterrence efforts against Russia — a mission that has taken on new significan­ce in light of the invasion of Ukraine.

It's one of four such efforts in the Baltics and Poland designed to demonstrat­e the strength of the NATO alliance in the region against Russia.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited a military base near Riga, Latvia, on Tuesday and announced a multiyear renewal to Canada's mission in Latvia, dubbed Operation Reassuranc­e.

Desbiens said Russians are targeting the Russian-speaking population in Latvia, Poland and the other Baltic states hoping to garner support. It's becoming harder, he said, because many nations are taking action to limit the spread of disinforma­tion.

Ukraine learned from 2014 when Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula and from the overthrow of the Kremlin-backed administra­tion in Kyiv, he added.

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