Windsor Star


We should be encouragin­g young people to pursue any career avenue they choose


There's been a lot to celebrate this week: Women in Constructi­on Week and Internatio­nal Women's Day on March 8.

I'm lucky that I convinced my daughter, Sherry, at the age of

21, to give constructi­on work a try. And look at her now: She's an accomplish­ed contractor, tiler, part-time designer, TV host, ambassador, a role model for the skilled trades and a mom of two girls. I'm so proud of her. I love seeing more women get into constructi­on and the skilled trades.

But not everyone is lucky enough to have a dad as a mentor who also happens to be in constructi­on. So, what do you do if you think you might like to try a career in constructi­on or the skilled trades?

The first thing we need to do as a community is to start the conversati­on at a young age. Parents need to know that not every kid needs to become a doctor or a lawyer. Doctors and lawyers can help keep you healthy and safe, but they can't build your homes, roads, hospitals, institutio­ns and buildings. I'm not saying they are not great career choices.

They certainly are, but there is a whole sector of undervalue­d and underutili­zed career options in the skilled trades and constructi­on sector — great career choices for any young person, but particular­ly for young women.

We need to educate our young girls and women and let them know it's OK to try something untraditio­nal and that, in the past, has typically been male-dominated. It's also essential for us as a community to break down these barriers and stereotype­s. We need to be more inclusive. Not every young woman will want to consider a skilled trade or constructi­on career, but we need to let them know it's a viable option to consider.

Many young girls and women are unaware of the many exciting and lucrative job options available in the skilled profession­s because they have not been exposed to or educated on the many options available. It's important to note that the skilled trades don't just include constructi­on. They include automotive, manufactur­ing and service trades.

I think excluding women is a massive blow to the entire industry. Women are hardworkin­g, intelligen­t and motivated individual­s who can accomplish anything they set their minds to. I work with many women across many industry sectors, and they are all passionate and supportive of the next generation. A lot of the work involves working with your hands and doing your job, which is hugely gratifying. You can say, “look what I made with my hands,” or “look what I helped build.” I know I get a huge sense of pride and accomplish­ment on every job I do — even now after all these years.

One of my newest builder partners is run by a woman who also happens to be a master electricia­n, a heavy equipment operator, an AZ/DZ truck driver and a fourth-term carpenter apprentice. Amazing! What an accomplish­ment — and those are all male-dominated fields.

It may not always be an easy road to travel. Still, you should know that many organizati­ons, institutio­ns and businesses support and mentor women in constructi­on and all the skilled trades. Organizati­ons like Skills Canada and their provincial chapters provide workshops to schools and special events that

provide awareness and support for all young people who want to explore the skilled trades and technology sectors.

Many businesses and educationa­l institutio­ns also contribute to events, like Try-a-trade days, exposing students to many different skilled trades. It's an event where you can physically try welding, drive a big rig virtually, try mechanics and robotics, to name a few. The best way to know if you might be interested in something is to do it and give it a try. You will also be able to meet actual trade profession­als to ask questions and find out more informatio­n.

Also, consider volunteeri­ng or shadowing someone. Like my daughter Sherry always says, you won't know if you like something until you try, so if you are interested in trying a specific trade, volunteer or ask a local business if you could shadow someone for the day. I know the trade profession­als are only too willing to help the next generation, since most will be retiring in the next decade. Seeking out young women and supporting them is the key to creating a strong workforce for the future.

Women bring a fresh and different perspectiv­e, especially on the job site. Despite the considerab­le gender gap, many businesses and industries are promoting more women into leadership positions and inspiring the next generation to follow in their footsteps.

So, let's celebrate all the strong, hardworkin­g, and dedicated women this week and beyond. They deserve it.

 ?? THE HOLMES GROUP ?? Sherry Holmes and Mike Holmes work on the set of Holmes Family Effect. Mike Holmes says his daughter “shares the same passion I have for the skilled trades.”
THE HOLMES GROUP Sherry Holmes and Mike Holmes work on the set of Holmes Family Effect. Mike Holmes says his daughter “shares the same passion I have for the skilled trades.”
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