Windsor Star

China's army training for future attack on Japanese surveillan­ce plane: experts


China's army is training to attack a Japanese surveillan­ce plane that would be vital in the event of a conflict over Taiwan, it was claimed Friday, in a clear warning to Joe Biden, the U.S. president, as he made his first trip to Asia.

An object in the Xinjiang desert that resembles an E-767 airborne warning and control system plane was captured by satellite pictures obtained and analyzed by Nikkei Asia.

Experts believe it is a dummy used for target practice. The plane is only used by Japan's Air Self-defence Force and would be vital to Tokyo's response in the event of a conflict over Taiwan, a self-governing island that China claims and has threatened to invade.

“If we lost the E-767s during a Taiwan contingenc­y, Japan would lose its ability to monitor the Nansei Islands,” Kiyofumi Iwata, a former Japanese chief of staff, said, of the island group at Japan's southern tip, close to Taiwan.

Experts said Beijing was sending a political signal to the U.S. and its regional allies, as Biden touched down in South Korea Friday on his inaugural trip to Asia, where he hopes to rally U.S. allies against Beijing's growing military ambitions.

“Both the Japanese and U.S. government­s are probably aware of it,” Iwata said of the images. “China is (showing) it to us as a threat in case something were to happen.”

Euan Graham, a senior fellow for Asia-pacific security at the Internatio­nal Institute for Strategic Studies, said the images were a “good example of PLA (People's Liberation Army) engaging in political warfare. This is meant to be seen.”

 ?? YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Experts believe China is using a dummy E-767 airborne warning and control system plane for target practice. The
E-767, above, is used by Japan's Air Self-defence Force.
YOSHIKAZU TSUNO / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILES Experts believe China is using a dummy E-767 airborne warning and control system plane for target practice. The E-767, above, is used by Japan's Air Self-defence Force.

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