Windsor Star

Drunkennes­s, vomiting and a scuffle at Downing Street

Report details COVID lockdown breaches


LONDON • A scuffle broke out, one attendee was sick and excessive amounts of alcohol were consumed when workers at Downing Street held a party in the middle of Britain's coronaviru­s crisis as the rest of the country was observing strict lockdown rules.

The incidents happened at a farewell party on June 18, 2020, that began in the Cabinet Room and later moved to the nearby Cabinet Secretary's room with the last member of staff leaving at 3:13 a.m.

The government's former head of ethics, Helen Macnamara, attended for part of the evening and provided a karaoke machine, according to a report released Wednesday into lockdown breaches at government buildings during the pandemic.

“The event lasted for a number of hours. There was excessive alcohol consumptio­n by some individual­s. One individual was sick. There was a minor altercatio­n between two other individual­s,” said the report.

At the time, large gatherings were banned to help reduce the spread of infections.

Johnson, who was fined by the police for attending one of the parties, told parliament on Wednesday he took full responsibi­lity for the culture in Downing Street and said he was appalled by what had happened at events where he was not present.

On the eve of Prince Philip's funeral in April 2021, people attended a party where the prime minister's son's swing was broken in the Downing Street garden and the last member of staff left at 4:20 a.m.

Some drunken staff were encouraged to leave by the rear exit of Downing Street, but others “remained in the building and carried on drinking alcohol until the early hours,” the report said.

The senior civil servant Sue Gray who carried out the investigat­ions said she was made aware of “multiple examples” of “unacceptab­le” behaviour toward Downing Street security and cleaning staff.

Johnson said it was “repugnant” that staff were mistreated, and said he had started to make inquiries to find out who was responsibl­e.

Gray also highlighte­d occasions when staff raised questions about whether events should go ahead, or about drunkennes­s in Downing Street, and had their concerns dismissed.

“I found that some staff had witnessed or been subjected to behaviours at work which they had felt concerned about but at times felt unable to raise properly,” the report said.

After a Dec. 18 party, which took place in the Downing Street press office, a cleaner found red wine had been spilled over the walls and on boxes of photocopie­r paper, the report said.

Following another event, Martin Reynolds, Johnson's former principal private secretary, boasted to colleagues on the Whatsapp messaging service that staff appeared to have “got away” with drinks events in the Downing Street garden in May 2020.

Reynolds resigned earlier this year and took up a role in the Foreign Office.

Asked why Reynolds remains in government, Johnson said it was unfair to talk about individual officials.


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