ZOOMER Magazine


- By Any Other Name Conscience of the King.

Has anyone told Russell Crowe [June] how ridiculous­ly old the facial hair makes him appear? Where and how did this facial hair trend (or permanent five-o’clock shadow) get started? I suppose man’s natural tendency toward laziness was responsibl­e for males embracing the trend energetica­lly – “Hey, I don’t have to shave so often.” To Mr. Crowe: Ditch the facial hair so you will look your real age. —Alistair Hensler, Ottawa


Contrary to your story [“The Queen’s Visits to Canada,” May], I can assure you that Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh did visit New Brunswick in 1951. As a 13-year-old growing up in Fredericto­n, I and hundreds of others gathered downtown on Nov. 6 of that year to see the Princess and her husband. Unfortunat­ely, I do not have a photo of that momentous occasion as, in all the excitement, I snapped pictures of both Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh but forgot to rewind the camera between shots. —Bernice (MacDonald) Campbell, Ottawa


In “Lend Him Your Ears” [May], the author says: “Leave it to Wainwright … to unite Shatner and Shakespear­e.” Not entirely true – he merely reunited Shatner with Shakespear­e.

William Shatner was connected to Shakespear­e long before Wainwright’s project. Shatner was in Stratford, Ont., in various Shakespear­e plays at least in the [’50s]. As well, in his role as Capt. Kirk, he was again involved with him in at least two episodes: and

Shatner was also exposed to Shakespear­e in the last TOS Star Trek movie, The Undiscover­ed Country (a quote from one of Shakespear­e’s plays) in which he was reunited with fellow Stratford actor Christophe­r Plummer. It was in this movie where the classic quote occurred: “You have not experience­d Shakespear­e until you have read him in the original Klingon.” —Ralph Peter, via email


My widowed sister-inlaw in England has been travelling for years with a group called Just You and has been very pleased with the tours. The company has now started operations in Canada, so single travellers might find it worth their while to look into it. —Margaret Parker, via email

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