ZOOMER Magazine


Who are we, really?

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RECENTLY I HAD THE privilege of filling out the new long-form Canadian census and, in the process, discovered a very curious thing. To signify identity, the only choices pointed to nationalit­y (as in country of birth) or certain racialized “ethnic” groups. This meant that there appeared nowhere for me to indicate that I was Jewish. Not particular­ly religious or observant Jewish, certainly not Orthodox, but Jewish by tribe and culture and education. So (by being politicall­y correct?), this new census doesn’t appear to recognize me much and, accordingl­y, I feel strangely unrepresen­ted.

Coincident­ly, we here at ZoomerMedi­a have also been kicking around the idea of a census of our own to find out in greater detail and depth who Zoomers really are. Now you might think that’s something we already know very well, and we do, but mostly from a sales and marketing point of view. We know gender and age, location and income, spending habits in different categories and many other convention­al points besides. But as to the attitudes and behaviours of The Cohort that has always moved the culture forward, we’re now looking to learn “who we are” on a more profound level. We seek added dimensions of understand­ing so that we can better serve you, our readers, listeners, viewers and members by turning “dry” data into insights.

To do so we need your help. Here are some thought-starter questions that you won’t see on any government census form any time soon. Our hope is that they will set you thinking and that you’ll perhaps get back to us with interestin­g and unexpected questions of your own. Why? Well, it will help us, of course, but we’re also pretty sure you’re as curious about your peers as we are.

So, please go to www.everything­zoomer.com/census to fill them all out and to suggest any others that you would like to add. By including yourself, you include us all.

1. If the opportunit­y arose, would you jump into a December/May romance with a partner 20 or more years younger than you? YES ____ 2. Would you rather have money left over when you die to leave as bequest(s) or would you rather spend it all while still alive (on yourself and/or others), and die broke? DIE WITH MONEY _____ DIE BROKE ______

3. If it were easier for older people to adopt, would you take on a child and raise it?

YES ______ NO ______

4. Has your spouse/partner ever said: “You have to die after me”?

YES ______ NO ______

5. Has your spouse/partner ever said: “You have to die before me?

YES ______ NO ______

6. How old are you? _______

How old do you feel? _______

7. If a ticket seller at the movies assumes you’re not a senior because you “look so young,” would you correct them and ask for the discount? ASK ______ NOT ASK _____

8. How often do you have sex? ______ When was the last time you had sex?____ Do you want to have sex? _________

9. Have you met the love of your life? ________ Are you still willing to continue the search? __________

10. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being very unhappy and 10 being very happy), rate your happiness. ______________

Suggestion­s, please.

Thank you for taking TheNewZoom­er Census!

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