ZOOMER Magazine

What we offer: A Cup of Coffee and a Second Opinion


When your security and livelihood depend on a sound inves investment plan, even the h most patient i i investors may come to question the wisdom of the investment plan that they’ve been following.

At Riverdale Wealth Management, we’ve seen a lot of investment trends and difficult markets come and go. And we can certainly empathize with people who find the current environmen­t confusing. We’d like to help, if we can, and to that end, here’s what we offer:

A cup of coffee and a second opinion.

By appointmen­t, you’re welcome to come in and sit with us for a while. We’ll ask you to outline your financial goals – what your investment portfolio is intended to do for you. Then we’ll review the portfolio for, and with, you. If we think your investment­s continue to be well-suited to your long-term goals – in spite of the current market environmen­t – we’ll gladly tell you so, and send you on your way. If, on the other hand, we think some of your investment­s no longer fit with your goals, we’ll explain why, in plain English. And, if you like, we’ll recommend some alternativ­es.

Either way, the coffee is on us.

Please call our office at 416-461-8181 to arrange a convenient time for an appointmen­t.

We look forward to meeting with you.

Riverdale Wealth Management IPC Securities Corporatio­n

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