ZOOMER Magazine


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Having trouble swallowing that multivitam­in? You’re not alone. It’s estimated that 20 per cent of people over the age of 50 have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). It can be a side-effect of conditions including stroke, chronic nervous system diseases and surgery to the head and neck. Changes related to aging can also be a factor. They include reduced strength of the throat muscles and tongue as well as a decrease in the size of the esophagus opening, which in particular makes swallowing solids and pills more difficult. Supplement­s in the form of liquids can be a good alternativ­e. Ottawa-based company Coffee

Booster offers Antioxidan­t, Collagen, Immunity, Mind and Multivitam­in – just stir directly into your cup of j joe. And no matter how you take it — hot, cold, frothed or not — you’ll detect nothing from the flavour-, sugar-, gluten-, dairy- and calorie-free formulatio­ns. $34, coffeeboos­ter.com

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