ZOOMER Magazine



While the Liberals will hold their seniors platform until closer to the election, as the ruling party, they can be judged on their legislativ­e record so far. Here are some of their senior-friendly accomplish­ments.

Restored age of eligibilit­y for Old Age Security (OAS) to 65

Increased Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) by 10 per cent

Increased allowable income recipients can earn before GIS is clawed back

Worked with the provinces to expand CPP to increase standard of living for future retirees

Started the ball rolling on National Seniors Strategy

Secured $50 million for National Dementia Strategy Appointed a Minister for Seniors

Secured $60 million in funding for New Horizons Senior Program, which provides grants to projects that empower seniors in their communitie­s

Created the Canada Caregiver Credit, a non-refundable tax credit that applies to caregivers whether or not they live with their family member

Instituted a new code of conduct for how financial institutio­ns serve seniors

Expanded EI so that it now includes support for those caring for critically ill loved ones, as well as those who are terminally ill

Invested $6 billion over 10 years to help provinces fund home care improvemen­ts

Introduced pension and insolvency protection legislatio­n to stop CEOs from taking benefits or divesting from bankrupt companies

Created the Canadian Drug Agency to lay out plans for a national drug plan. The CDA reported back with a plan that the Liberals may or may not adopt

Instituted automatic enrolment for Canadians over the age of 70 who have not applied for the Canada Pension Plan

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