ZOOMER Magazine


Lasers, lights and a healthy dollop of SPF hit the (sun)spots By Vivian Vassos


Advances in sun- damage reversal treatments have come a long way over the last 20 years. “The tools we use now are less invasive and more synergisti­c with a patient’s skin,” says Dr. Lisa Kellett, dermatolog­ist and founder of DLK on Avenue Cosmetic Dermatolog­y and Laser Clinic in Toronto. For the face, Kellett employs the EthereaMX laser, which uses multi-wavelength technology to target brown and red spots.

“At the same time, we use the dualmode laser to address photo-aging, [or sun damage, to the layperson] with a resurfacin­g action that treats lines, and helps to increase collagen production in the skin.” The multiple modalities add up to a more time- and cost-efficient treatment for the patient, usually done over two to three sessions. And speaking of time, what about the downtime post treatment? “It’s a bit of visible flaky redness for a few days,” says Kellett, “but we see an improvemen­t of fine lines, less redness and brown spots, while the skin is healthier, with a more even skin tone.”

The neck and chest area gets a treatment all its own. “We inject beauty boosters: very small portions of hyaluronic acid into the skin on the chest and the neck to address photo-aging and fine lines and stimulate collagen,” says Kellett. The chest, she adds, ages faster than the face, as does the neck, because we tend to neglect applying SPF in those places. “Because photo-aging does not just show up as a line or a wrinkle, we call it a field treatment; we apply it to the entire area.” It’s a newer approach, treating the whole area by injecting the hyaluronic acid into the skin, using a gun-like tool that features microneedl­es at its tip, loaded with the juice.

Hands, too, again often neglected, can benefit from skin boosters. Kellett injects dermal filler, in the form of hyaluronic acid, into the interdigit­al spaces to improve and smooth the skin’s appearance.

One thing Kellett also warns of: precancero­us spots. Look out for scaly, often reddish pink spots that don’t go away. “It’s not eczema or a dry, rough patch if it doesn’t go away after a flare up,” she advises. “These types of spots can develop into something more dangerous.”

Kellett uses photodynam­ic therapy, which is more preventive medicine, as these spots can be microscopi­c. “A liquid drug is applied over the entire surface, and we allow it to incubate for about an hour,” she says of the process. “During that hour, the drug is taken in by the precancero­us cell; then a blue light laser hits the drug, and finally, the precancero­us cell is treated and removed by the combinatio­n of the light and the drug.” It also replaces the use of more volatile liquid nitrogen as preventive medicine. There’s no pain, she adds.

“Most patients read a book for an hour, and then we shine the light.”

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Dr. Lisa Kellett

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